Today in History: Thursday, November 29, 2012
On Nov. 29, 1929, Navy Lt. Cmdr. Richard E. Byrd radioed that he'd made the first airplane flight over the South Pole.
1890 Navy won the first Army-Navy football game 24-0 at West Point, N.Y.
1924 Italian composer Giacomo Puccini died in Brussels.
1947 The U.N. General Assembly passed a resolution calling for Palestine to be partitioned between Arabs and Jews.
1952 President-elect Dwight D. Eisenhower kept his campaign promise to visit Korea to assess the conflict.
1963 President Lyndon B. Johnson named a commission headed by Chief Justice Earl Warren to investigate the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
1989 In response to a growing pro-democracy movement in Czechoslovakia, the Communist-run parliament ended the party's 40-year monopoly on power.
1990 The U.N. Security Council voted 12-2 to authorize military action if Iraq did not withdraw its troops from Kuwait and release all foreign hostages by Jan. 15, 1991.
1996 A U.N. court sentenced Bosnian Serb army soldier Drazen Erdemovic to 10 years in prison for his role in the massacre of 1,200 Muslims - the first international war crimes sentence since World War II.
1996年,联合国法庭判处波斯尼亚塞族军队士兵Drazen Erdemovic10年监禁,罪名是他参与屠杀1200名穆斯林——二战以来第一个国际战争罪宣判。
1999 Protestant and Catholic adversaries formed a Northern Ireland government.
2001 Rock musician George Harrison of the Beatles died at age 58 following a battle with cancer.