Today in History: Friday, November 23, 2012
On Nov. 23, 1936, Life magazine was first published.
1936年11月23日,杂志《生活》首次出版 。
1804 Franklin Pierce, the 14th president of the United States, was born in Hillsboro, N.H.
1804年,美国第14任总统富兰克林·皮尔斯在新罕布什尔州希尔斯出生 。
1889 The jukebox made its debut, at the Palais Royale Saloon in San Francisco.
1889年,点唱机在旧金山皇家大厅首次亮相 。
1903 Singer Enrico Caruso made his American debut at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York, appearing in "Rigoletto."
1903年,歌手恩里科·卡鲁索在纽约大都会歌剧院跳利哥莱托舞首秀美国 。
1954 The Dow Jones industrial average finally surpassed it's pre-crash high - 25 years after Black Tuesday - when it closed at 382.74.
1954年,道琼斯工业平均指数继黑色星期二25年后以382.74的收盘终于超过了它崩盘前高 。
1971 The People's Republic of China was seated in the U.N. Security Council.
1971年,中华人民共和国加入联合国安理会 。
1980 A series of earthquakes devastated southern Italy, killing some 2,600 people.
1980年,一连串的地震摧毁意大利南部,造成约2600人死亡 。
2001 An Israeli helicopter fired two missiles at a van in the West Bank, killing Mahmoud Abu Hanoud, a leading member of the Islamic militant Hamas group.
2001年,以色列直升机向约旦河西岸发射两枚导弹落在一辆货车上,伊斯兰激进哈马斯组织领导人Mahmoud Abu Hanoud被杀 。
2006 Former KGB spy Alexander Litvinenko died in London from radiation poisoning after making a deathbed statement blaming Russian President Vladimir Putin.
2006年,前克格勃特工亚历山大·利特维年科在临终声明指责俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京后死于辐射中毒 。
2011 Yemen's authoritarian President Ali Abdullah Saleh agreed to step down amid a fierce uprising to oust him after 33 years in power.
2011年,也门独裁总统阿里·阿卜杜拉·萨利赫在激烈起义推翻其33年统治后同意下台 。