Today in History: Tuesday, October 09, 2012
On Oct. 9, 1940, rock musician and songwriter John Lennon of the Beatles was born in Liverpool, England.
1940年的10月9日,披头士摇滚音乐家和作曲家约翰·列侬在英国利物浦出生 。
1635 Religious dissident Roger Williams was banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
1635年,宗教异见人士罗杰威廉姆斯被驱逐出马萨诸塞湾殖民地 。
1701 The Collegiate School of Connecticut – later Yale University – was chartered in New Haven.
1701年,康涅狄格学院(后为耶鲁大学)在纽黑文许可建校 。
1776 A group of Spanish missionaries settled in present-day San Francisco.
1776年,一群西班牙传教士定居在现在的旧金山 。
1888 The public was first admitted to the Washington Monument.
1888年,华盛顿纪念碑首次接受公众游客 。
1930 Laura Ingalls became the first woman to fly across the United States as she completed a nine-stop journey from Roosevelt Field in New York to Glendale, Calif.
1930年,劳拉·英格尔斯完成从纽约罗斯福场到加州格兰岱尔的9站旅行,成为第一位飞跃美国的女性 。
1936 The first generator at Boulder (later Hoover) Dam began transmitting electricity to Los Angeles.
1936年,在博尔德(后来胡佛)大坝第一台发动机开始向洛杉矶传送电力 。
1946 The Eugene O'Neill drama "The Iceman Cometh" opened on Broadway.
1946年,尤金·奥尼尔的戏剧"The Iceman Cometh"在百老汇上映 。
1958 Pope Pius XII died at age 82.
1958年,教皇庇护十二世逝世,享年82岁 。
1967 Guerrilla leader Che Guevara was executed in Bolivia while attempting to incite revolution.
1967年,游击队领导人切·格瓦拉在玻利维亚试图煽动革命被处决 。
1975 Soviet scientist Andrei Sakharov was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
1975年,苏联科学家安德烈·萨哈罗夫被授予诺贝尔和平奖 。
1985 The hijackers of the Achille Lauro cruise liner surrendered after the ship arrived in Port Said, Egypt.
1985年,Achille Lauro油轮劫持者在船只抵达埃及港口后投降 。
1990 David Souter was sworn in as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.
1990年,苏特宣誓就任美国最高法院第一个法官助理 。
2006 North Korea announced that it had conducted its first nuclear weapons test.
2006年,朝鲜宣布已进行了第一次核武器试验 。
2006 Google Inc. announced it was snapping up YouTube Inc. for $1.65 billion in a stock deal.
2006年,谷歌公司宣布以16.5亿美元的股票交易抢购YouTube公司 。
2007 The Dow Jones industrial average closed at an all-time high of 14,164.53.
2007年,道琼斯工业平均指数收于历史最高14164点 。
2008 The Dow Jones industrials fell below 9,000 – to 8,579.19 – for the first time in five years.
2008年,道琼斯工业指数五年来首次跌破9000 - 8579 .19点 。
2009 President Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
2009年,美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马获得诺贝尔和平奖 。
2010 Chile's 33 trapped miners cheered and embraced each other as a drill punched into their underground chamber where they had been stuck for an agonizing 66 days.
2010年,在地下洞室痛苦被困66天获救后,33名智利救矿工欢呼雀跃,相互拥抱 。