Today in History: Monday, December 03, 2012
On Dec. 3, 1984, more than 4,000 people died after a cloud of gas escaped from a pesticide plant operated by a Union Carbide subsidiary in Bhopal, India.
1984年3月3日,在印度博帕尔,联合碳化公司运营的一农药厂子公司发生气体逸出,致4000多人死亡 。
1818 Illinois was admitted to the union as the 21st state.
1818年,伊利诺斯州成为美国第21个州 。
1828 Andrew Jackson was elected the seventh president of the United States.
1828年,安德鲁·杰克逊当选美国第七任总统 。
1947 "A Streetcar Named Desire" by Tennessee Williams opened on Broadway.
1947年,由田纳西·威廉姆斯执导的《欲望号街车》在百老汇上映 。
1948 The House Un-American Activities Committee announced that former Communist spy Whittaker Chambers had produced microfilm of secret documents hidden inside a pumpkin on his Maryland farm.
1948年,众议院非美活动调查委员会宣布,前共产主义间谍惠塔克钱伯斯曾制作缩微胶片,将秘密文件暗藏在马里兰农场的一南瓜里 。
1964 Police arrested some 800 students at the University of California at Berkeley who had stormed the administration building the previous day and staged a massive sit-in.
1964年,警方逮捕了加州大学柏克莱分校约800名学生,因其前一天冲进政府大楼进行大规模静坐示威 。
1965 The album "Rubber Soul" by the Beatles was released.
1965年,甲壳虫乐队的专辑《橡胶灵魂》发布 。
1967 Surgeons in Cape Town, South Africa, led by Dr. Christiaan Barnard performed the first human heart transplant.
1967年,在南非开普敦,外科医生克里斯蒂安·巴纳德博士执刀进行第一次人类心脏移植 。
1967 The 20th Century Limited, the famed luxury train, completed its final run from New York City to Chicago.
1967年,著名的豪华列车20世纪有限完成了从纽约到芝加哥最后的运行 。
1979 Eleven people were killed in a crush of fans at Cincinnati's Riverfront Coliseum before a rock concert by the Who.
1979年,在"谁人"乐队举办摇滚音乐会前,在辛辛那提的滨江竞技场11人死于拥挤 。
1989 East German Communist leader Egon Krenz, the ruling Politburo and the party's Central Committee resigned.
1989,东德共产主义领袖,政治局和党中央委员会埃贡·克伦茨辞职 。
1997 South Korea struck a deal with the International Monetary Fund for a $55 billion bailout of its foundering economy.
1997年,韩国签署了一项协议,国际货币基金组织提供550亿美元救助萎靡的经济 。
1999 Scientists failed to make contact with the Mars Polar Lander after it began its fiery descent toward the red planet; the spacecraft was presumed destroyed.
1999年,在火星极地登陆者号带着熊熊大火登录火星,科学家没能再连接上它 。航天器被认为是摧毁了 。
2009 Comcast and GE announced joint venture plans, with Comcast owning a 51 percent controlling stake in NBC Universal.
2009年,康卡斯特和通用电气宣布合资计划,康卡斯特持有美国国家广播环球公司51%的控股权 。