Sure, we chafe at the carry-onrestrictions imposed upon us by the Transportation Security Administration. Andwhile we've gotten used to taking off our shoes and limiting ourselves to3-ounce toiletries, passengers still try to smuggle plenty of things pastairport security. The TSA keeps track of the things that they confiscate,though, and among the nail files, water bottles, and cosmetics there are a fewcontraband items that really stand out。
Birds 小鸟
Accordingto the TSA, agents in Los Angels discovered two birds wrapped in socks andtaped to the leg and chest of a woman who was en route to China. The birds werefound during "a pat-down that was being administered due to bulkyclothing," the TSA reported on its blog。
Ascience project实验器具
Acollege student's metal-and-wire science project prompted agents to shut downan checkpoint in Omaha after they saw it on the X-ray monitor。
Knivesand swords刀剑
Notjust a plastic picnic knife or a Swiss Army knife, mind you, but tree saws, a14-inch sword hidden in a cane, a brass-knuckle knife, and even a"non-metallic martial arts weapon" called a Tactile Spike, whichagents found stashed in a passenger's sock -- while he was wearing it. Onepassenger was carrying two sharp throwing knives in a hollowed-out book. Thetitle? "Ninja: The Shadow Warrior." Of course。