In our daily life,it always have something that can makes you unhappy,maybe we will make a complaint at that time.It's a good idea to be as polite as possible even when complaining about something.生活中随时可能会出现不顺心的事情,偶尔抱怨一下也是无妨的,不过抱怨的时候最好还是显得有素质一点比较好,不要出现污言秽语。
making a complaint提出抱怨
1.Their new CD sucks.他们新出的唱片可恶心了.
Suck这个字在美国用的很多,它就是指很烂,很差的意思. Suck是一个动词,所以在使用上跟烂这个形容词是不太一样的,例如你可以说, That traffic here really sucks!就是说这里的交通糟透了的意思. 有时也听得到人家用suck的形容词sucky.
Suck这个字的原意是指用嘴巴吸的意思,所以有人就设计了这么一个吸果冻的比赛. 规则很简单,就是不能用手,只能用嘴巴把果冻吸光. 所以比赛一开始,只听到观众大喊, Hey, you suck!表面上听来是说,你快点吸的意思,事实上则是暗地里骂人烂的意思。
2.I am sick and tired of doing homework. 我对做作业感到厌烦.
Sick and tired of something可以视之为一个片语,所以并没有sick (生病)的意思在里面!例如贩卖机老是吃钱,你也可以说I am sick and tired of this vending machine.还有一句话也很有趣, I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired. 就是说你对于老是感到厌烦已经感到十分厌烦了,我想这是很多都市人共同的心声吧.
3.I am terrible/horrible.我很糟糕.
这句并不是说我很可怕或恐怖的意思. terrible翻成中文的意思是糟糕.有时他们也会用terrible来形容一个教授, He is so terrible,就是说这个老师教的很烂,而不是说他很会吓人. 要是用terrible来形容一样东西,则表示该样东西很糟糕,例如形容食物,如The food is terrible,说的当然就是食物很难吃了
Horrible跟terrible的意思可说是一模一样,两者可以互换使用,例如, The coffee is horrible. 或是Our professor is horrible.
1. i’m afraid i have a complaint to make.恐怕我要提点意见.
2. i’m sorry to say this,but there seems to be a mistake.对不起,这儿好像有个错.
3. do you have to act like that?你非得那么做吗?
4. would you mind not doing it?你能不能别那么做?
5. i do wish you wouldn’t do that.我希望你别那么做.
6. please don’t do it without asking.未经允许请不要那么做.
7. can’t you do something about it?你就不能想点办法吗?
8. i hate to bring this up,but this is a nonsmoking zone.对不起提醒一下,这儿是禁烟区.
9. would you please try to keep quiet at this hour?这么晚了,你能不能尽量保持安静.