Six days a week, Robert Hedron and a fleet of other drivers do the rounds of Berlin's supermarkets, picking up what's left over; that’s all brought back to a central sorting office and the good stuffs kept.
一周有六天,Robert Hedron以及其他一行驾驶员在柏林各大超市附近驾车而行,捡起人们扔下的弃物,然后全部送至分选中心,留下仍然有价值的物品 。
"There are loads of discounters they cannot sell these any more, just because one bad doesn't mean they are all bad." And each month, almost 700,000 kgs of groceries are distributed to social service facilities across the city for those in need.
有许多折扣商店根本卖不掉这些产品,可是有时只是一个商品有问题,其他并没有质量问题 。实际上,每个月大约有70万公斤这种商品配送至全国各个社会服务中心,以供给有需要的人们 。
Salad, biscuits, sausages, bread, a few vegetables, this woman shows me what she's picked up. "This definitely helps as my pension is not big, " she says.
沙拉、饼干、香肠、面包、种类不少的蔬菜,这名妇女给我看看了她拾捡的各种商品,她说,“因为我的抚恤金可不高,这些东西肯定会派上用场 。”
It's not just pensionless and people on social security who come here. Though this country's unemployment rate fell to a record low for the month, according to the national poverty conference which published its annual report the day we visited the center, 1 in 4 Germans live in the low wage sector, the so-called working poor.
并不只是那些靠领抚恤金和社会救助而生存的人才会来这儿, 我们参观了这个社会服务中心 。同一天,国家贫困大会发布本年度报告,尽管德国的失业率本月已降至历史最低,1/4的德国人为低工资者,即“穷忙族” 。
Like Thomas Weers who says he earns less in a full time job than he would on benefits.
拿Thomas Weers来说,他说自己靠全职挣得钱还不如领的抚恤金高 。
"Everyone says isn't it great, you just have 2, 2.5 million jobless. But if you are only getting paid 7 euros an hour, it doesn't add up."
“每个人都说,难道还不够伟大吗?失业人数只有2百万或2.5百万 。但是如果一小时,你只能挣7欧元,根本不能解决问题 。”
Germany prides itself on its social welfare system which is one of the most generous in Europe, which is why you won't find a people here, for example, who won't be able to feed their families this Christmas. But as the country's demographic changes, as the population ages, if Europe fails to become more competitive, then this social welfare model may become one of the things in the past.
根本不能解决问题 。”德国一直骄傲于自己的社会福利系统,在欧洲它可是数一数二的慷慨大方,这也是为什么你在德国找不到哪怕一个人,比如,在圣诞节吃不饱、穿不暖 。但是,随着如人口年龄等德国人口结构的变化,如果欧洲经济不能变得更有竞争力,那么这种社会模型将成为历史 。
Liliana Pfundt tells me she wishes Germany has kept the Deutch Mark.
Liliana Pfundt告诉我,她希望德国仍然保留德国马克 。
We are taxed to high heaven now. That money they sent to Greece they should keep to build Germany up.
现在,我们的税太高了 。应该用那些援助希腊的钱来建设德国 。
She feels her 40 years’ hard work aren't reflected in the pensions she receives. But here at Christmas, she is happy that at least she doesn't have to go without.
她认为自己40年的努力工作应该拿到更多的退休金 。不过,圣诞节这会,她是快乐的,至少并没有一无所有 。