日期:2008-12-14 11:11


Automakers: The 'Big 3' bailout


Congressional Democrats and the White House reach a tentative agreement that could keep automakers out of bankruptcy.

It's 15 billion of our dollars, as you know, it is taxpayers’ dollars we are talking about using here. And it looks like there will be a meeting is as early at 3:00 pm this afternoon in the Senate really start getting this goal in talking about it in detail, both Obama and Congress leaning closer to putting together some sort of bailout loan if you will to the auto industry. And originally we've been talking about 34 billion now it downsize to 15 billion.

However, Congress wants to put some strains on this money. For example, they may have a car czar, someone inside the Department of Commerce who will be responsible for making sure that all of their ideas are being put in place and acted on, rather than allowing the auto industry just take the money and run.

Also possibly new corporate leadership, both the President-elect and the Senator Christ Dodd saying today and over the weekend that possibly there needs to be change in the CEO's office of some of these companies. UAW concessions, maybe more union concessions, plus some restructuring of these companies would have to happen.

So the money would have some strains attached to it, and of course, the reason we are talking about this to begin with is because Friday's jobless number which really put fire under Congress to start talking about this. Big shock, 534,000 jobs lost in November. Now the jobless rate is 6.7%, very tough for folks out there who are in the jobs market. Let's talk a little bit with Reggie for just a second about what this would mean to the economy. If the auto industry was not bailed out, if all three of the big automakers were allowed to go out of business, it could cost as many as three million jobs. Now, let me explain it a little bit, this isn't just jobs in Detroit, this is jobs all over the country from California to the east coast, of course including Michigan, are really affecting almost every state. And we've already had 1.9 million layoffs in this country that's what the recession has done to employment in this country, this was nearly more than that, it’s double it.

And just to mention here we said, a couple of actual layoffs announces, this morning Dow Chemical's announcing they're gonna lay off 5000, a 11% of their global workforce. 3M is gonna lay off some 1800 folks. So the numbers keep getting worse on the score. I wanted to tell you though Reggie you might be interested, Paul Krugman who is the Nobel economics laureate, somebody who knows a thing or two about economics says that, in the end these companies, these auto companies will probably disappear, (Really?) even with the money they are getting. So he doesn't have a lot of confidence that these companies have what it takes to survive in this very competitive global environment. As I've said, this is very controversial giving money even with strains attached to the auto industry, because of the perception out there that the businesses just haven't been run as well as they could have been. So we have to wait and see what Congress does this afternoon if they go ahead and flip this watchful money to the auto industry. Reggie.

Yeah, Gerri, and I mean these are companies that haven't been making money, and there's no promise they are going to be making money even if they get the infusion of cash.

That's absolutely right, you know, we keep waiting for some kind of, you know, magic formula for this, for this industry to resurrect itself, of course it got hit hard by this recession we are experiencing in this country, that was just, you know, yet one more knock on their business, and the fact that, You know, it seems like a distant memory, now gas prices went through the roof. That really helped hurt their industry as well. So this is an industry that really got kicked in the teeth by the current recession trying to find its way back, fight its way back. Of course you watched last week as, you know, the executives went in front of Congress head in hand and asking for money. And it looks like it's gonna happen despite what you're hearing now from some of these smartest economists in the country about the long term viability of the industry.





同时,新的领导集团,当选总统奥巴马和参议员Christ Dodd表示,今天和周末期间,一些活动的总裁办公室需要进行一下改变。UAW必须让步,或许更多的联合让步,另外,一些公司必须进行重组。


顺便提一下今天早上两个主要的公司宣布裁员,Dow Chemical宣布裁员5000,全球总劳动力的11%。3M将裁掉1800名员工。所以形势越来越糟。我必须告诉你们,懂得一点经济学知识的诺贝尔经济学奖获得者Paul Krugman说,最终,所有的汽车公司都将消失,(真的?)即使他们能拿到救援资金。所以他并对汽车公司在这个充满竞争的全球环境下重整旗鼓信心不足。就像我说的,即使带有附加条件的给汽车行业救助贷款,这也是充满争议的,因为那些公司理念的运营并没有像本应做到的那样好。所以,国会今天下午将怎样做,会不会将贷款交给汽车行业,我们将拭目以待。是的,Gerri,我的意思是,这些是没有赚钱的公司。而且即使这些公司得到贷款,他们也没有承诺一定会赚钱。


  • tentativeadj. 试验性质的,暂时的,犹豫不决的
  • controversialadj. 引起争论的,有争议的
  • bankruptcyn. 破产
  • absolutelyadv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地
  • survivevt. 比 ... 活得长,幸免于难,艰难度过 vi.
  • resurrectvt. 复活(复露,使 ... 再现,使 ... 再受注
  • laureaten. 桂冠诗人,得奖人 adj. 杰出的,带桂冠的 vt
  • flipvt. 掷,弹,轻击 vi. 翻转 n. 空翻,浏览 a
  • infusionn. 注入,灌输,激励,泡制
  • competitiveadj. 竞争的,比赛的