Shell calls the wells relatively simple,but will drill them as though they are the most complicated prospect in thecompany has ever done. Why? Deepwater Horizon and the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.
。为什么?因为深海地平线,因为曾经的墨西哥湾灾难 。We'd have been tone deaf if we had thoughtthat it could be - would have been business as usual after the DeepwaterHorizon.
。Could this happen again like Shell's Arcticwells, the disastrous Macondo well was exploratory, but Shell, unlike BP, hasno plans to bring up oil this summer. It will need a much bigger platform to dothat.
这种事情可能再发生一次吗?壳牌勘探的北极井会否像灾难性的马康多油井(Macondo well)一样呢?但是,壳牌,与英国石油公司(BP)不同,今年夏天并没有出油的计划
。这需要一个更大的平台 。Shell's wells will be capped and abandoned.The biggest difference, depth. Shell will be drilling in less than 200 feet ofwater in up to 8,000 feet below the seabed. Deepwater Horizon drilled through5,000 feet of water than more than 13,000 feet below the sea floor. Thepressure differences, enormous.
。最大的区别在于,深度 。壳牌的钻井水深不超过200英尺而海床以下最大深度不超过8000英尺 。而深海地平线的钻井水深为5000英尺且海床以下超过13000英尺 。压力差异是巨大的 。The pressures are roughly about a third ofwhat you'd see in a typical deepwater well.
。Like all wells, Shell will use blowoutpreventers. Unlike BP's Shell's blowout preventers will lie beneath the seabed,so a rig can disconnect more safely in case of emergency.
。与英国石油公司(BP)不同,壳牌的防喷器将置于海床之下,这样,在紧急情况下,钻机可以更安全地断开连接 。As a part of what happened in the postDeepwater Horizon world, all these blowout preventers were actually broughtback to what we call original equipment manufacturer standards.
。In case of a blowout, Shell will have onhand a capping stack, that's what brought an end to the Gulf disaster.
。Here we go.
。For drivers like Erinn Shmaeff, who has amountain of bills and a three-year-old to raise, she think there should be roomfor exploration, but none of the risks of another Deepwater Horizon.
。I would want to know like where it wouldbe, I'd want to know how damaging it would be to the environment if it wouldhave an impact on the local wildlife.
。Regulators insist the risk in the Arctic is acceptable. With no easy oil left to find, itis only hard choices from here on out.
。现在,已经没什么易于开发的油田,因此,这只是一个艰难的选择 。Miguel Marquez, CNN, Anchorage, Alaska.
美国有线新闻网(CNN)记者Miguel Marquez于阿拉斯加州安克雷奇报道