There are people who make overcoming obstacles, even those towering 40 very vertical feet high, look easy.
有一种人,他们能够克服任何困难,甚至能够轻易攀登上那些冲入云宵的高达40英尺的陡壁 。
These rock climbers are the heart of Lilian Chao-Quinlan's climbing center business.
这些攀岩成员便是李连的 “超昆兰攀岩中心”业务的核心部分 。
I think with climbing you have to trust your partner and you have to know they are holding your rope.
我认为,对于攀岩而言,你需要信任你的伙伴,并且必须知道他们和你抓着同一条绳索 。
This takes teamwork which why Chao-Quinlan is frustrated by all the talk of another cliff looming in Washington.
攀岩需要团队合作 。而超昆兰公司现在却没有信心超越正在逼近华盛顿的另一种悬崖 。
There is so much uncertainty not just for me as a business owner, but for our members, for our climb tower.
这不仅对作为老板的我来说太不确定,而且对我们的攀岩成员,对我们的攀岩业务来说都太具风险 。
With negotiation stalled on a way to the fiscal cliff, Chao-Quinlan is put plans to expand her business on hold. She is worried because going over the cliff will cost middle class families an estimated 2000 dollars a year, money people won't have to spend here.
随着财政悬崖的谈判有所搁浅,超昆兰不得不暂停扩展业务的计划 。她对此非常担心,因为对一个普通中产家庭来说,渡过财政悬崖一年预计需要付出2千美元,而人们本可将这笔钱用在更急需之处 。
It’s always challenging when you are in a recreational type of environment because that sometimes the first thing that people consider, you know, when they are evaluating their finances and, what am I gonna to spend my money on?
这种经济环境对娱乐业务非常不利 。因为,在财务悬崖的情况下,人们首先会评估他们的资产、计划他们的消费 。
The fear that I have is that we are going to lose some customers and we are gonna to lose our shoppers. And we've been here for ten years.
我现在担心的就是我们将失去一些客户和顾客 。我们在这一行已经做了10年了 。
For clothing store owner Lindsay Buscher, it’s been a rough few years since the recession. Now she says she is terrified we are on the verge of tumbling back in.
对服装店老板Lindsay Buscher来说,自从经济衰退开始,每年都举步为难 。现在,她说,害怕公司随时会倒闭 。
I think the facts of them not coming up with a plan is gonna be devastating. And I see a huge, a bigger recession.
我认为,政府没有及时制定出正确的方案会带来毁灭性结果 。我似乎看到了一个更严重、更长期的萧条 。
The prospect of higher taxes next year means Busher is cutting back now. Training staff for January and February only buying clothing she sure will sell. Her goal is just to keep her business afloat.
明年可能的高税意味着Busher现在在缩减一切支出 。她吩咐员工只采购确信会畅销的服装 。她的目标仅仅是维持住公司的业务 。
My biggest fear is that my 7-year old will never really get a chance to see what I've built.
我非常担心7岁的孩子将没有机会看到我能成就一番事业 。
Back at the climbing center, Lilian Chao-Quinlan says there are lessons Washington negotiators could stand to learn.
又返回攀岩中心的李连说,华盛顿的谈判人员们需要学习过去的经验教训 。
Every move is gonna dictate the next move. But that doesn’t mean that you are locked into that move; that doesn’t mean you can't try something else.
每一项决定会决定再一项 。但是,这并不意味着你只能死守那一决定,也不意味着你不能尝试其他办法 。
Unlike climbing, she says, fiscal cliff hanging shouldn't be an option because so much is on the line.
她说,和攀岩不同,危险太大,财政悬崖并非良策 。