I'll tell you the two best pieces of advice, maybe I’m breaking the rules, but you know, I break the rules.
我会告诉你们两个忠告,也许我会打破常规,但你要知道,我不按规则办事 。
Go for it
My father told me when I was going off to Yale for law school. And you know, he grew up in segregated South, he never thought he would see that. He was emotional about it, but he told me, "Kid, listen, when you get there, you’re gonna see there are two kinds of smart people. There are smart people that take very simple things and make them sound very complicated, so they can enrich themselves, and there are people who take very complicated things and make them sound simple to empower other people. And I want you to be that kind of smart kid when you come back home." That totally framed my approach to my legal education. I want to be able to explain these ideas to the ordinary people.
第一条是我父亲在我去耶鲁法学院求学时告诉我的 。你也知道,他在种族隔离的南方长大,他绝不会想到会有这一天 。他对此感慨万千,但是他告诉我:“孩子,听着,你到耶鲁后会遇到两种很聪明的人 。他们很聪明,能把简单的事情复杂化,这样他们可以提高自己,他们也能把复杂的事情简单化,这样就提高了别人 。我希望你下次回家时,就成为那种聪明的孩子 。”这些话为我以后的求学塑造了方法 。我希望自己能够向普通人阐释这些想法 。
But the other advice I got was from my professor, who, when I was trying to choose between going to Yale for law school and working for the Associated Press. He said "Each choice you make, make the choice that gives you more choices." He says, "Cause life is about, when you’re first born, nobody knows what you’re gonna be,infinite possibilities. And then you presume ....
还有一个忠告来自于我的教授,他在我面临抉择,不知道是去耶鲁的法学院求学还是去美联社工作的时候告诉我说:“每做一次选择,都要给你更多选择的机会 。”他说:“因为在你刚出生时,没人知道你会长成什么样的人,所以就有无限的可能 。这就是生活 。然后你假想......”
Life narrows choices
Yeah, that’s right, so my college professor told me that life narrows your choices, so if you have to make a choice, make the choice that gives you more choices. And that's obvious as well.
正是如此,我大学教授告诉我,生活让选择变少,所以你每做一次选择,就要确保它给你更多选择的机会 。这个道理也是显而易见的 。