日期:2016-11-08 20:42



For Edward's attempt to pound the nations of Britain Into a united super-state

因为爱德华曾试图把不列颠各小国 统一成联合王国

Ended up just reinforcing their acute sense of difference.


The hammer that Edward had taken to the scots had rebounded fatally against his dream of a reborn Britannia.

爱德华对苏格兰人所采取的强硬手腕 反而使自己构建大不列颠联合王国的美梦遭受重创

For the cost of all those endless marches and mile upon mile of castle walls was political as well as financial.

无尽战争的巨大消耗 连绵不绝的围城高墙 使政治和经济的发展双双受阻

It meant parliament was more, not less,necessary to government of England.

这说明议会对于英格兰政府而言 不是无关紧要的 而是至关重要的

It was parliament which had to agree on how to foot the bills.And how big those bills ought to be.

议会决定了经费的使用方向 以及经费的大小额度

Edward II of course completely failed to bring any attention to this new reality.

显然爱德华二世完全 无视了这一新的现实情况

Falling back on rule by favourites,Edward made himself an alien in his own land.

以个人喜好来统治国家 爱德华终把自己变成了孤家寡人

The nobility failed to remove him,but his wife succeeded.

贵族们没能让他下台 但他的妻子做到了

Legend has it that he was killed in Berkeley castle From a hot iron thrust up his rectum.

传说他在伯克利城堡被杀 被一根烧红的铁条插入直肠

Edward's murder was proof that the king could be removed,even physically disposed of, if he betrayed the community.

爱德华之死说明如果国王背叛人民 不光会下台 甚至还会丧命

But England would get a new king More the heir to Edward the first than the second.

但英格兰终究会有新的国王 更多地继承了爱德华一世的衣钵 而非爱德华二世

Edward III knew he couldn't achieve anything simply by acts of brutal, imperial will.

但爱德华三世知道他再也不能 用残暴的帝国幻想来统治国家

He'd learned something from the long wars of Plantagenet Britain,


And what he'd learned was that his power depended not just on force,but on consent

他知道他的权力 不仅仅取决于武装力量 还需要各种认同

On the consent of his barons and his churchmen,On the consent of parliament,On the consent of the English community of the realm.

理事会和教会的认同 议会的认同 以及英国上下各界的认同

Not for the first and not for the last time,It would take the rest of Britain to teach England just how to be a nation.

这不是第一次 也不会是最后一次 在与不列颠其他民族的战与和中 英格兰才能真正明白国家二字的含义




You have my undivided attention.


Later he turned his attention to the desperate state of housing in the province.



The only way to escape the unwanted attentions of the local men was not to go out.


The meeting was held away from the attentions of the media...



If we don't keep bringing this to the attention of the people, nothing will be done.


We conclude by drawing attention to the issues around which the debate should focus.


2、dispose of


Just fold up the nappy and dispose of it in the normal manner.


the safest means of disposing of nuclear waste.



You did us a great favour by disposing of that problem.


The justices have been arguing about how the case should be disposed of.



He alleged that they had hired an assassin to dispose of him.

