日期:2016-10-29 19:21



Dunfermline Abbey is one of those places where you can almost smell tragedy in the stonework.

邓弗林修道院也是其中之一 你依然可以从那砖墙瓦缝间 嗅到历史的悲剧气息

Pretty much everything you see here was built, or rather rebuilt, after 1303.

你在此看到的一切 几乎都建造 或者说重建于1303年之后

It was in that year that Edward I,in one of his murderously vindictive tantrums, torched the place,burnt it to the ground.

也就是那一年 爱德华一世 强劲的复仇之火 在这熊熊燃烧 将整座修道院夷为平地

He was, as usual, making a point.

一如既往地 他想以此告诫敌人

To smash up a royal mausoleum was to strike directly at Scotland's sense of independent history.

摧毁一座皇家陵园 实际上是摧毁了苏格兰人民对独立民族史的认同感

The greatest symbol of that independence, as always, was Stirling.Its surrender took the fight out of the Scots.

一直以来 苏格兰独立的象征都是斯特林 它的沦陷使苏格兰人放弃了抵抗

In 1304, they submitted to Edward.Well, he must have thought, that was that.Done with Peace.A mistake.

1304年 他们选择了臣服 爱德华一定认为 事已至此 天下太平 他错了

For what Edward couldn't possibly have predicted was the emergence of a Scottish lion even more ruthless than the leopard himself.

爱德华料想不到的是 觉醒的苏格兰雄狮 比他这头英格兰猎豹 更加凶残

And he was, of course, the Bruce.

这头雄狮就是 布鲁斯

The strange thing, though, when you cashed the lord,the formidable strengths of Robert Bruce,his political cunning, his military ingenuity,

奇怪的是 当我们悉数这位君王的种种 他那令人生畏的力量 狡猾的政治手腕 干练的军事才能

his steely resolution, even his intermittent fits of rage,they all begun to sound rather like the attributes of a man whose work he'd sworn to undo.

坚毅的决心 甚至那乖戾的脾气 听起来 就像是在描述那位 与他誓不两立的人

Edward I.If he'd read the book of Edward's life,he would have known that lesson number one

爱德华一世 如果他曾研究过爱德华的生平 会发现其中的第一课便是

was not beat the foreigner,it was first win your battles at home.

攘外 必先安内


1、smash up


She took revenge on her ex-boyfriend by smashing up his home.


You could smash the drawer up with a hammer.



All you told me was that he'd smashed up yet another car.




Women tend to attribute their success to external causes such as luck.



This, and the remaining frescoes, are not attributed to Giotto.


a Madonna and Child attributed to Pietro Lorenzetti.



Cruelty is a normal attribute of human behaviour.


He has every attribute you could want and could play for any team.

