A month since China's TV series Nirvana in Fire debuted in Argentina, the viewers here have been hooked on the romantic period drama.
Key words 关键词
Nirvana /nɚˈvɑː.nə/ 涅槃
debut /ˈdeɪbju/ 首映
Argentina /ɑːrdʒənˈtiː.nə/ 阿根廷
hooked 痴迷的
Nirvana in Fire has generated hundreds of comments on social networks, "not just from members of the Chinese community, but from many Argentinians," said Mercedes Demasi, a representative of Argentine production agency Integra Industrias Culturales.
《琅琊榜》已经在社交网络上激起了热议,“不仅仅是来自华裔的群体,而且也来自很多阿根廷人。” Mercedes Demasi如是说。他是来自于阿根廷制作公司Integra Industrias Culturales的一名代表。
Key words 关键词
Argentinian /ɑːr.dʒənˈtɪniən/ 阿根廷人
representative /reprɪˈzentətɪv/ 代表
Angie Behrmann, an Argentine painter who specializes in Chinese calligraphy, said she watched the series to practice her Chinese, but was fascinated by the story and the way it was told.
另外一名擅长中国书法的画家Angie Behrmann说,她看这部剧是为了练习中文。但却被故事情节和叙事的方式所吸引。
Key words 关键词
calligraphy /kəˈlɪɡrəfi/ 书法
"The production level had me gripped. Everything is really well done. The plot is exceptional, it is really well written. Everything that takes place is so exciting," she said.