Ode to Joy stars Liu Tao, Jiang Xin, Wang Kai, Yang Zi, Jin Dong and many more popular actors. Ode to Joy tells the life of five women living on the 22nd floor of an apartment in Shanghai. Each with their unique personality and lifestyle, will the ladies be able to live in harmony?
ode /əʊd/ 颂歌
personality /ˌpɜː.səˈnæl.ə.ti/ 性格,个性
harmony/ˈhɑː.mə.ni/ 和谐,和睦
Liu Tao as An Di, 31-year-old independent and meticulous woman returning from New York. She is independent yet innocent.
Jiang Xin as Fan Shengmei 30-year-old woman from humble background yet with a princess personality.
Wang Ziwen as Qu Xiaoxiao A rich 25-year-old woman who owns her own small business.
Yang Zi as Qiu Yingying A 20-year-old regular employee.
Qiao Xin as Guan Juer A 20-year-old quiet and introvert woman. She works for a foreign company.
Zu feng as Weiwei A successful entrepreneur
Wang Kai as Zhao Qiping A handsome doctor
Jing Dong As Tan Zongming The boss of An Di