Ez talk美语会话志:第73期 What's it good for? 它有什么功效?
日期:2014-10-26 17:49
Robert: This little red fruit looks good. What's it good for?
Uranda: That's a lucky fruit called hong zao! People say that if you eat them, you will have your first son very soon!
Robert: Uh..., I'm not even married yet. How about this brown dried fruit?
Uranda: Gui yuan are lucky, too! If you eat them, you'll have a very sweet life!
Robert: And how about these little brown chips?
Uranda: Oh, that's deer horn. That helps you...umm, how should I put it?
hong zao 红枣(音)
Gui yuan 桂圆(音)
How should I put it 我该怎么说呢?
罗 伯:这红色的小水果很好看。它有什么功效?
罗 伯:喔……我都还没结婚呢。那这个棕色的水果干呢?
罗 伯:那这些棕色的小薄片呢?