After Nicole put the Fettucini on display
Ron: Uncle Giovanni! Nicole's Fettucini is out of this world! Taste it!
Giovanni: OK, OK. [tastes it] Mmmm. Not bad...
Ron: Not bad? Not bad! Look at how many customers are ordering!
Giovanni: That's because it's new. They're curious.
Ron: No. They're ranting and raving about how great it is...so go be nice to her!
Giovanni: Is it the Fettucini you're in love with or Nicole? You've been acting different since Paris...
Ron: Well, she's perfect for me. I...I mean she's perfect for us!
Giovanni: Oh...I get it.
out of this world 极好的(多指食物美味)
order (v.) 点菜
curious (a.) 好奇的
A: Who was that I saw you having lunch with today? 我今天看到跟你吃饭的那个人是谁? B: Why are you so curious? 你干嘛那么好奇?
ranting and raving 喧闹,争相走告
朗 恩︰乔凡尼叔叔!妮可做的宽条面好吃极了!尝尝看!
朗 恩︰还不坏?岂止还不坏而已!你看有多少顾客在抢着点!
朗 恩︰不。他们正在争相走告这有多好吃……你去跟她说些好话!
朗 恩:呃,她就是我要找的人……我是说她就是我们要找的人!