Ez talk美语会话志:第38期 Capris 九分裤
日期:2011-05-13 11:15
Billy: Besides, yours don't have side pockets like mine.
Jennifer: Cool! They're big! What have you got in there?
Billy: Just the necessities: a flashlight, pocketknife...
Jennifer: Are you planning a trip to the Outback?
Billy: No, but you never know when you'll need a flashlight.
Jennifer: Well, my pants are very slimming. They're capris.
necessity (n.) 必需品
pocketknife (n.) 折叠式小刀
Outback (n.) 澳洲内陆远离城市的地区
slimming (a.) 合身剪裁的
capris (n.) 女用紧身九分裤
比 利:此外,你的裤子不像我的有侧边口袋。
比 利:只是一些必备用品:手电筒啦、折叠小刀……
比 利:不是,但谁都说不准何时会用得上手电筒。