Christmas day, Brooke is on the phone with her mom
Mom: Merry Christmas, sweetie. How's your brother enjoying Taiwan?
Brooke: Ryan says he wants to stay. I think he's in love with some girl who designs fruit platters...
Mom: No! Christmas without him is bad enough. So, honey, do you have cold feet yet?
Brooke: Yeah, especially since Jack didn't take care of the plane reservations.
Mom: You're not coming?
Brooke: Not until the 31st. So can you change the church reservations?
Mom: I'm afraid not. The church is booked until the year 2001.
book (v.) 预订,预购
fall in love with 与…坠入情网
A: Have you ever fallen in love?
B: Once, when I was much younger.
fruit platter (n.) 水果拼盘
have cold feet 害怕,恐惧
妈 妈:亲爱的,圣诞节快乐!你弟弟喜不喜欢台湾啊?
妈 妈:不!没有他的圣诞节已经够糟了。对了,亲爱的,你开始惶恐了没?
妈 妈:你们不过来了?
妈 妈:恐怕不行。教堂到二○○一年之前都已经预约额满了。