Brooke: So, got any more ideas for the website?
Shan: Well, since we're collecting gifts instead of red envelopes, I made a "for guests only" gift chat room.
Brooke: But we registered at Macy's. People can just buy gifts there.
Shan: The Taiwanese won't have time to buy gifts in America. The chat room is more convenient.
Brooke: You're right. They can discuss what to get and avoid buying the same things.
Shan: Or discuss what gifts they could buy together.
website (n.) 网站
A: Does EZ talk have its own website?
EZ talk有自己的网站吗?
B: It sure does! The address is www.eztalk.to
red envelope (n.) 红包,这里指包给新人的礼金
register (v.) 登记,注册
Macy's 美国最著名的百货公司之一,总店在纽约的第三十四街与第六、第七大道之间
avoid (v.) 避免,回避
阿 珊:既然我们只收礼物,不收礼金,我做了一个「宾客专属」聊天室。
阿 珊:台湾的宾客在美国不会有时间买礼物。有聊天室比较方便。
阿 珊:或是讨论要合送什么礼物。