Ez talk美语会话志:第64期 我自己做的意大利宽条面
日期:2011-06-17 11:24
The following week, at Ron's restaurant
Nicole: Good afternoon, Uncle Giovanni!
Giovanni: Since when was I your uncle? What's that?
Nicole: It's 20 pounds of my homemade Fettucini.
Giovanni: You want me to buy it?
Nicole: No. I want to make it for you and your customers.
Giovanni: Well, our customers never ask for it.
Nicole: They will. I'll put a plate of it on display!
following (a.) 接下来的
Fettucini (n.) 意大利宽条面,在这里写成Fettucini是因为它代表「白酒奶油宽面条」这道料理
customer (n.) 顾客
plate (n.) 盘子
display (n.) 展示
妮 可︰午安,乔凡尼叔叔!
妮 可︰二十磅意大利宽条面,我自己做的。
妮 可︰不是。我是要做给你和客人吃的。
妮 可︰他们会的。我要放一盘出来做展示!