Giovanni: Nicole, your Fettucini is very...unique.
Nicole: But not as good as your mother's, right?
Giovanni: Actually, it's better...
Nicole: What? Are you kidding?
Giovanni: No. It was the only dish she wasn't good at. So we could use you as the new head chef...
Nicole: Oh, Uncle Giovanni. That's wonderful! Thank you! Thank you!
Giovanni: OK, OK. Get to work. There's someone waiting for you in the kitchen...
unique (a.) 独特的
A: This is a picture I drew this morning. How do you like it? 这幅画是我今天早上画的。你觉得如何? B: It's really unique. Where did you
learn to draw? 很独特。你是在哪儿学的画?
wonderful (a.) 美妙的
妮 可︰不过还是没有令堂做的好吃,对吧?
妮 可︰什么?你在寻我开心吗?
妮 可︰乔凡尼叔叔,这太棒了!谢谢你!……