Ez talk美语会话志:第53期 Don't you dare tell me
日期:2011-06-01 11:51
On the phone
Jack: Brooke, I have bad news.
Brooke: What!
Jack: I called the airlines to reconfirm the reservations today.
Brooke: Don't you dare tell me that...
Jack: I'm sorry. I didn't reconfirm in time and they gave away half of the seats.
Brooke: Well, they should have called you!
Jack: They said that they did. I've been so busy...
airline (n.) 航空公司。air line是「航线」
杰 克:布鲁克,我有坏消息。
杰 克:我今天打过电话去航空公司重新确认机票订位。
杰 克:对不起。我没有及时打去重新确认机位,他们把一半的机票都卖走了。
杰 克:他们说他们有打。我最近都在忙…