Dec. 31st, on the airplane
Brooke: Did everyone fill out their entry permits?
Jack: Yes. The videographer has already started filming my parents trying to speak English with the flight attendants.
Brooke: Speaking of flight attendants, they keep smiling at me. I wonder why...
Jack: Look at the video screen. We'll be passing the international date line in five minutes.
Brooke: It'll be the year 2000! The flight attendants are coming over here. They're carrying bottles of champagne!
fill out 填写(表格)
A: How can I get my visa extended?
B: First, you have to fill out this form.
entry permit (n.) 在飞机上所填写的入境许可卡
flight attendant (n.) 空服员。「女性空服员」是stewardess,「男性空服员」是steward
international date line 国际换日线,大抵以经度180°的子午线为基准,该线以东的地区比该线以西的地区慢一天
champagne (n.) 香槟酒
杰 克:对。录像师已经开始在拍我父母努力跟空服员讲英文的样子了。
杰 克:看镜头。我们在五分钟内就会通过国际换日线。