Ez talk美语会话志:第56期 I'm a great host 我可是个好主人
日期:2011-06-07 13:40
Brooke: Then where will we have the ceremony? At home?
Mom: We'll have to. We'll rehearse on the 1st and have the wedding on the 2nd.
Brooke: I'm sorry, Mom.
Mom: Don't worry, dear. I'm a great host. Now get some rest. Merry Christmas.
Brooke: Merry Christmas, Mom. I love you.
Mom: I love you, too. And forgive Jack. He's doing his best.
Brooke: I know. Goodnight.
rehearse (v.) 彩排,预演
ceremony (n.) 典礼,此指「结婚典礼」wedding ceremony
host (n.) 主人,东道主。专指「女主人」则用hostess
妈 妈:只能这样了。我们在一号先预演一次,婚礼在二号举行。
妈 妈:别担心,亲爱的。我可是个好主人。妳先去休息。耶诞快乐。
妈 妈:我也爱你。原谅杰克吧,他已经尽力了。