What 'Strikes a Chord' with You?
And now, Words and Their Stories, from VOA Learning English.
On this program, we explore words and expressions in the English language. We give examples that show how to how to use them. And sometimes we explain where they come from.
Today, our expression comes from music. A chord is three or more musical notes sounded at the same time. The word "strike" means to hit. But when we play a note on a musical instrument, we can also say we struck a note.
So, our expression for today is to strike a chord.
In its most general definition, to strike a chord means something relates to you somehow. It resonates with you. If something strikes a chord with you, it is familiar to you in some way, for better or for worse.
Something can strike a positive chord. It is familiar to you in a good way. It creates good feelings or thoughts. For example, a love song struck a deep chord with James. It is the song he sang to his wife at their wedding. Or maybe the song was playing on the radio when she left him. In that case, the song would strike a negative chord with James.
As you can see from those examples, you can add other words to describe what type of chord is being struck – a deep chord, a negative chord.
Here are some other examples.
A teacher's advice can strike a responsive chord with students. And a politician's speech can strike a sympathetic chord with voters. Those two words – sympathetic and responsive – are commonly used with this expression.
You might hear people say something "struck a familiar chord." But to me, this sounds a bit unnecessary. If something strikes a chord, it means it is familiar in some way. So, we don't need to add the word "familiar" to the expression. But I have heard it used that way before. Maybe it means something is really familiar.
Sometimes we use to strike a chord this way: If something creates strong feelings or thoughts, it strikes a chord. And that "something" could be unfamiliar to the person.
Here is another situation where we use this expression: If something strikes a chord with you, you approve of it. You agree with it. For example, during the election the politician's position on the economy and jobs must have struck a chord with voters because she won easily.
Let's talk for a minute about sentence structure.
If you look back at our examples, most if not all of them use the word "with" – with James, with students, with voters. But you can use this expression without the word "with." In this way, "strike a chord" means it caused a strong emotional reaction to something. For example, that movie must have really struck a chord. Everyone came out of the theater crying.
Hopefully learning English continues to strike a chord with all of you ... a positive one!
And that's the end of this Words and Their Stories.
Until next time ...
I'm Anna Matteo.
1.look back 回顾
I will look back at this one with undiluted pleasure.
2.come out of 由...产生;从...中出来
Her normally shy son had come out of his shell.
3.at the same time 同时
At the same time she felt a prick on her neck.
。我们给出了如何使用它们的例句 。有时我们会解释它们的出处 。今天,我们学习的短语出自音乐
。和弦一般是三个或三个以上的音符同时响起 。“弹奏”(strike)这个词的意思是敲打(hit) 。但是当我们在乐器上弹奏音符时,我们也可以说”hit a note” 。所以,我们今天要学习的短语是“strike a chord”
。在最普遍的定义中,打动心弦(to strike a chord)的意思是这件事情与你有某种联系
。它会让你产生共鸣 。如果某件事触动了你的心弦,不管这件事是好是坏,它在某些方面对你来说是熟悉的 。有些事情可以引起积极的共鸣
。某件事对你来说是很熟悉的 。它会让你产生良好的感觉或想法 。例如,一首情歌深深地打动了詹姆斯 。这是他在婚礼上为妻子献唱的歌曲 。也可能是她离开他的时候收音机里正在播放着的歌曲 。如果是这种情况,那么这首歌就会让詹姆斯产生消极的情绪 。从这些举例中可以看出,你可以添加其他词汇来描述心弦被拨动的情况——深深地打动,
。某一位政客的演讲可以引发选民的共鸣 。词汇”sympathetic “和”responsive”经常和这个短语搭配使用 。你可能会听到人们说“触动了一个熟悉的和弦”
。但对我来说,这种表达听起来有点多余 。如果某件事引起共鸣,就意味着对你而言它在某些方面很熟悉 。所以,我们不需要在这个表达中加上“熟悉”这个词 。但我以前听过这种用法 。也许它要表达的是非常熟悉的事物 。有时我们用这种方式来使用这一短语:如果某事让你产生了强烈的感觉或想法,就可以说触动了你的心弦
。而这个人对“这件事”可能是不熟悉的 。使用这个短语还有另一种情况:如果某事打动了你的心弦,说明你赞同这件事
。你认可这件事 。例如,在选举中,政客在经济和就业问题上的立场一定是引起了选民的共鸣,因为她轻而易举就获胜了 。我们来谈一下句子结构
。如果回顾下我们的举例,虽然不是全部,但大多数都使用了with这个词——with James, with students, with voters
。但是你可以选择不用with这个单词来表达 。这样看来,”strike a chord”的意思是引起了对某事强烈的情感反应 。例如,那部电影一定引起了大家的共鸣 。因为每个人都哭着走出电影院 。希望学习英语能继续引起你们所有人的共鸣