Hello again from the Learning English studio at the Voice of America. I'm Dorothy Gundy. Learning English reporter Pete Musto has joined me today. Hi Pete.
Hi Dorothy.
We want to talk about the English words and phrases that our audience wants to learn about on "Words to the Wise." So, we asked for suggestions from you. And we got ideas!
We did. Our fan Gustavo, for one, proposed a show about words found in the work world. Today, that is what we will talk about.
I think first we should think of words that are similar in meaning to "job."
There are lots. Like "occupation." It is kind of a more formal term than job but it means the same thing. Someone might ask you "what's your job?" or they could ask "what's your occupation?" and it would mean the same thing.
Right -- both are perfectly acceptable usages. And, another word you use is "profession," as in "what is your profession?" And even more commonly used "what do you do for a living?" That means "what's your job?" as well.
But job, occupation and profession cannot always be used in the exact same way. For example, let's say you apply for a position at a college and you are hired. You might excitedly tell a friend, "I got the job!" You would not say "I got the occupation!" –- "I got the profession!"
No, of course not. That would sound very strange.
Strange, indeed.
You would always use job in that structure. Or you could use the word "position."
True, that's a fine substitute. Now, let's say you remained in that job, or continued that kind of work, for a long time. That becomes what we call a "career."
Merriam Webster's Learner's Dictionary defines a career as a profession for which one trains and which is undertaken as a permanent calling.
You could have a career in academia, which means university teaching. Or you could have a career in engineering, acting or journalism!
There are a lot of fields or trades to go into.
Fields? Trades?
Yes. Not field like an open land covered in grass and other plants. Field can also be defined as an area or division of an activity, subject, or profession -- like medicine. Trade is similar: the business or work in which one engages regularly.
So, let's try to put this all together. You're at a party and you meet someone new. You might say, "So what do you do for a living?"
And they answer: "I'm retired..."
Oh, lucky you!
Right... "but I was in the pharmaceutical trade."
Oh, what was your job, sales?
No. I was in the drug development field. I created a cure for the common cold and made a gazillion dollars.
Wow, sounds like you had a wonderful career!
Well, Pete, I think our "job" here is done. But we will revisit the subject of "work-talk" at another time on Words to the Wise.
Thanks for joining us today. And please keep your comments coming. Tell us what you'd like to hear about on Words to the Wise.
I'm Pete Musto.
And I'm Dorothy Gundy.
1.for one (强调某人与众不同的反应或行为方式)举个例说
I, for one, admire his audacity
。2.kind of 稍微;有几分;有点儿
It was kind of sad, really
。3.university teaching 高校教学;大学教学
The Government funds university teaching.
。我是多萝西·范甘迪 。学英语的记者皮特·穆斯托今天也在这里 。嗨,皮特 。嗨,多萝西
。所以,我们征求了你们的意见 。于是,我们有了主意!确实是
。例如,我们的粉丝古斯塔沃提议做一期工作领域主题的节目 。今天,我们就要谈论这个主题 。我觉得首先我们应该想想和“job(工作)”相近意思的单词
。像“occupation(职业)” 。它比“job”更加得职业化,但是一个意思 。有人也许会问你“你什么工作?”或者他们会问“你的职业是什么?”,都是一样的意思 。对的——两种都是大家完全认可的用法
。另一个表示工作的单词,“profession(职业)”,正如这句话里的“profession”:“你的职业(profession)是什么?”这句话比“你靠什么谋生(do for a living)?”更常用 。意思也是“你的工作是什么?”但“job”、“occupation”、“profession”不能总是以完全相同的方式使用
。例如,比方说你在一所大学申请一个职位,而且你被聘用了 。你也许会兴奋地告诉朋友,“I got the job!(我应聘上啦!)”你不会用“occupation”或者“profession” 。不会,当然不会
。那听起来很奇怪 。的确奇怪
。或者你可以用单词“position(职位)” 。对的,那是一个很好的替换词
。现在,假设你仍然做那份工作,或者继续做那种类型的工作很长时间 。那就成了我们称为一份“career(事业)”了 。韦氏字典将“career(事业)”定义为某人为其接受培训并将其作为一种永久从事的职业
。你可以在学术界有份事业,这句的意思是高校教学(university teaching)
。你参加了一个派对,你结识了一些人 。你也许会说,“你是做什么工作?”他们答道:“我退休了······”
是滴······“但我以前是做医药行业(pharmaceutical trade)的
。我从事药品开发领域 。我发明了一种治疗普通感冒的药,赚了很多钱 。哇,听起来你又一份很完美的事业!
。但我们会在另一期《一点就通》的节目继续讨论这个主题的 。感谢收听我们今天的节目
。欢迎大家继续给我们留言,告诉我们你想在节目中听到的话题 。我是皮特·穆斯托