日期:2010-08-06 14:57




I believe in listening, even if that’s not the typical image of an organizer. Movies provide the scenes: The organizer climbs on the soapbox to make the speech that turns the crowd, calls the strike and galvanizes the community into action. I’ve done all that, but none of that is the heart of organizing — at least to me.

I started doing this work when I was a teenager. What did I know about being a mother on welfare? What did I know about housing, education and jobs? Nothing.

But I found out quickly that if I listened — really listened — to what people were telling me about their lives and their problems, then I did know something. I knew what they knew.

Any morning of the week, for the price of a cup of coffee, Max Allison held court at the Walgreen’s on Main Street in Little Rock. Allison, the political wizard behind a dozen Arkansas politicians, would lecture me on what he called “the equation” — how politics really worked. I listened. On long phone calls late at night, Mamie Ruth Williams taught me everything she had learned about dealing with the press from the 1957 school desegregation fights. I listened.

The more people talked and the more I listened, it became almost inevitable, maybe even irresistible, for us to organize and do something effective. I was just a young kid filled with rage, fear and passion who wanted to make a difference, who wanted to be part of the sweeping changes all around me. Thirty-five years later, this is still how I feel.

When Hurricane Katrina happened, none of us knew up from down. We worried that New Orleans had become a biohazard zone, that houses would have to be demolished, and that it would be irresponsible to help people to return. I was at a loss about what to do, how to organize.

So I listened hard to our members who were dislocated and relocated. Long-time ACORN leader Paul Fernandez was fighting to prevent foreclosure on his flooded home in the Lower Ninth Ward. He taught me that protecting that right, the right to return, was what our organization’s role should be. I had been lost, but listening showed me the way.

Listening is good for everyone. When people have to explain something to me, it helps them understand their own needs better. We can decide together what needs to be done, and then take action. Listening strengthens all of our beliefs.


1.galvanize vt. 镀锌;通电;刺激

How can we galvanize the students into taking the responsibility for their own work?

2.equation n. 方程式,等式;相等;反应式

This is a similar equation.

Show me how to solve this equation.

3.desegregation n. 废止种族歧视

Today, during the very act of large-scale townish constructions, these cultural relics full of rare architecture culture history are facing the danger of desegregation.

4.demolish vt. 拆除;破坏;毁坏;推翻;驳倒

We are going to demolish the old building.

What do I get when I demolish facilities ?

5.dislocate vt. 使脱臼;使混乱

A long-protracted strike dislocated the economy.

6.foreclosure n. 丧失抵押品赎回权

But such plans often only delay foreclosure, because they do nothing to make the loan affordable over time.

  • dealingn. 经营方法,行为态度 (复数)dealings:商务
  • organizev. 组织
  • passionn. 激情,酷爱
  • preventv. 预防,防止
  • effectiveadj. 有效的,有影响的
  • ragen. 狂怒,大怒,狂暴,肆虐,风行 v. 大怒,怒斥,激
  • irresponsibleadj. 不负责任的,不可靠的,没有承担能力的
  • wardn. 守卫,监护,受监护人,病房,行政区 vt. 守护,
  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为
  • communityn. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落