It's a portrait of Hillary Clinton unflattering this angle released by an anonymous creator borrowing liberally part in the pond from an old ad for Apple computers. The ad ends with the web address for Sen. Barack Obama, Clinton's main rival for the democratic presidential nomination at least for now. But he denies having anything to do with it.
We knew nothing about it, given what it looks like. We don't have the technical capacity to create something like that, though it's pretty extraordinary.
So who is responsible, it was posted by someone called "ParkRidge47", presumably named for the Chicago suburb and the year in which Clinton was born. But that's all anyone knows.
It is pretty sleek though, doesn't that indicate that somebody knows what they are doing?
Er, actually what it indicates is the technology has become easier to work with.
Micah Sifry is the editor of a political website called TechPresident.com.
You don't have to be a high-paid political consultant necessarily to do this anymore.
The fact is you don't have to be any kind of political consultant to do this and that's a potential nightmare for candidates.
That voter-generated content is the wild card in 2008.
And YouTube has clearly moved beyond its role as the political got-you site.
November, 2008.
If the Clinton campaign wants to respond to this, it'd better to be quick. This video had already been viewed by more than a million people online before broadcasters discovered it. Now total viewership is well north of 8 million as the video's migrated off the internet from YouTube to your tube.
Richard Schlesinger, CBS NEWS, New York.