Gay wedding expo in California
After the abolition of same-sex wedding ban in California, same-sex couples join in the state's first ever gay wedding expo.
Alright. There will be a free wedding, and you can do whatever you want later on. Free wedding, that's a dream.
Laura Seidman and Maria Garcia Alvarez have already had a commitment ceremony, but now they are getting ready to be officially married in California after the state's Supreme Court overturned a ban on same-sex marriage.
Everybody's so supportive, and I think it's a sign of change. They joined other same-sex couples at California's first-ever gay wedding expo, which included tuxedos, wedding rings, cakes and florists, all catering to the gay community. "We are trying to make a reflection of them and their likes, so when people walk into the celebration, they go, gosh! This looks just like Pete and John or, you know Mary and Sally, so that's what we aim to do. "
A new study estimates over the next three years, gay weddings will generate more than 64 million dollars in tax revenue for the State of California.
The business community has realized the immense market that is available to them now because of same-sex marriage, and I think that this is gonna show that they can really capitalize on it, and it's gonna totally change everything because this is the new summer of love.
And this summer Laura and Maria say it will count, "I think we are really gonna do it this time".
Haven Daley, the Associated Press, San Francisco.
1. commitment ceremony: noun
a social event celebrating a homosexual relationship; a same-sex wedding
2. tuxedo: noun (AM, UK: dinner jacket)
a man's black or white jacket worn at formal social events, usually in the evening, with matching trousers and a bow tie
Laura Seidman和Maria Garcia Alvarez已经举行了同性恋婚礼,但是现在,加利福尼亚高级法庭推翻了同性结婚禁令,他们已经为在加利福尼亚正式结婚做好了准备。
每个人都感觉到很受支持,我认为这是转变的信号。他们和其他同性恋夫妇一起参加加利福尼亚历史上第一个同性恋婚礼盛会,他们为同性恋社区提供了男士晚礼服,结婚戒指,蛋糕和花匠。“我们想尽力反应他们的生活和喜好,所以当人们走进这个庆典时,他们一定很高兴。这看上去就好像Pete and John或者Mary and Sally的婚礼,这就是我们的目的。”
1. commitment ceremony: 同性恋婚礼
2. tuxedo: 男式晚礼服