Violence In Schools On The Rise
Violence in schools is on the increase according to Conservative party figures. Statistics obtained by the Tories show that police were called to deal with violent incidents in schools more than 7,000 times last year. Sky's Alistair Bunkall reports.
The playground and classroom should be areas of learning and development. But more than 7 thousand occasions in England last year that were incidents of violence deemed so serious that the police were called in. The figures said the Conservative Party who obtain them are alarming and just a tip of the ice berg.
Teachers don’t call out the police for minor incidents. These are very serious incidents have been faced by the school. And they are indicative of a more severe behavior of issue in our schools, as a whole that really does half to be tackled, if we to raise academic standard in schools.
The national union of teachers insists that this is minority causing serious problems in schools. And also argues that the figures were reflecting improved relationship between schools and police.
Now had teachers can feel confident that they can call out a local policeman, the local police station if they have a problem with a third party apparent coming in and threatening them, if there some one has come over the offense for example, if there is a gang at school gate.
The conservative say they are suggesting that schools are entirely to a discipline. But they do believe that the figures won’t be higher if all police force has responded. Teaching bodies has accused them of S M. The government has rejected the conservatives’ claims and said the overwhelming minority schools are safe and suitable environment for children to study and play.
根据保守党的数据,学校暴力事件滋长。根据英国保守党的统计数据,去年,学校发生了7,000多宗暴力事件,学校不得不请警察处理。Sky新闻Alistair Bunkall报道。