Sell your SUV to save cash? 非明智之举
With prices at the pump up nearly one dollar over the past year, Americans are offering their SUVs at bargain prices.
With prices at the pump up nearly a dollar in the past year, there are now lots of Americans offering gas-guzzling cars for sale at bargain prices. But as we hear from CNBC's Phil LeBeau downsizing to a model that seems more fuel-efficient could cost drivers in the long run.
Martian Nordan is joining the growing reigns of Americans --ditching their SUVs.
"It just costs me too much to fill up the car, so I need to get rid of it."
After 3 years of driving this SAAB, Nordan still owes more on it than she'll get selling it.
"I'm willing to take a hit to sell the car. Not a huge one, but you know, I’ll sell it for a loss."
In fact, so many people are selling their used SUVs, their prices for used models like these, have dropped almost 50 percent in the last year. Many who used to drive these SUVs ,sold them to avoid the cost of filling up a gas-guzzler. Well, they may think it's a smart move financially, the maths may not add up.
It's been a shock to people what fuel prices have done, and they've reacted in a way, that's almost irrational.
SUVs typically, lose 30-40 % of their value after 3 years. But because of a current glut in the market, the average rate of depreciation has nearly doubled. In Martian Nordan's case, the SAAB she bought new in 2005 for $28,000, is now worth just 15 grand. So even though selling her SUV, and buying a new , more fuel-efficient Honda Accord, would save Nordan $44 a month on gas, it would take 52 years to break even on this trade. Still, she is trying to sell.
"Fuel-efficiency, it takes top priority, I won't even cons, go on / car loss or consider cars that get less than 20 miles per a gallon. "
Switching gears to save money now--even if it means paying more down the road.
Phil LeBeau, CNBC, Chicago.
在过去的一年里,汽油价格上涨了接近1美圆,许多美国人开始低价抛售他们耗油量大的汽车。但是,听了来自 CNBC的Phil LeBeau的分析之后,我们明白,看上去似乎更省油的规模小一点的汽车长远来看成本更高。
Martian Nordan也是低价抛售他的SUV汽车的众多美国人中的一员。
SUV汽车开了三年后折旧30%~40%。但是按照现在的市场行情,平均折旧率是以前的两倍。在Martian Nordan的案例中,她在2005年购买这辆SAAB的时候价格是2.8万美圆,但是现在仅值1.5万美圆。所以即使她卖掉她的SUV,购买一辆新的更省油的Honda Accord,每个月汽油方面可以节省44美圆,那么她要在52年的时间里才能弥补这项交易的损失。但是,她仍然想卖掉汽车。
1 UV的全称是Sport Utility Vehicle,即“运动型多用途车”。SUV起源于美国,也是近年在美国市场最畅销的车种。在美国,皮卡(Pickup)是很流行的车辆,受消费者的欢迎。在20世纪80年代,SUV是为迎合年青白领阶层的爱好而在皮卡底盘上发展起来的一种厢体车。SUV4轮驱动,一般前悬挂是轿车型的独立悬架,后悬挂是非独立悬架,离地间隙较大,在一定的程度上既有轿车的舒适性又有越野车的越野性能;带有MPV式的座椅多组合功能,使车辆既可载人又可载货,行驶范围广。近几年,SUV向舒适化发展,一些车辆具有豪华轿车的功能。例如1999年推出的丰田凌志RX300和宝马X5,都是建立在豪华轿车基础上的SUV。
2 gas-guzzler Guzzle就是口渴的时候大口大口地喝水。gas-guzzler就是说车耗油太多,大口大口地喝油。A gas guzzler就是耗油量很大的汽车。
3 depreciation 折旧,贬值