Animal Trainer Killed by Grizzly Bear
Animal Trainer Steven Miller Was Attacked by a Five-year-old Grizzly Bear. Rachel Calderon Reports.
A deadly grizzly bear attack took the life of the bear trainer yesterday. The bear was the same one used in the film Semi-Pro with Will Farrell. It happened at a training facility for exotic animals used in movies and TV shows. Rachel Calderon is in Running Springs with more on this story. Good morning Rachel.
Good morning, Frank, yes, we are in Running Springs just several miles away from er, Big Bear Lake where as you mentioned that er, Predators in Action training facility is located. Now I want to bring you up to speak with some information I got just a few minutes ago from the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department.
As this point, it believes that its part, its role and its investigation is wrapped up at this point because they were just looking to see if there is anything criminal that could have happened in this case. As far as they know, this is just an accident. And that’s how they have left it at this point. But there's still an investigation going on by Cal OSHA as well as the Department of Fish and Game to determine what will happen to the bear.
Now, this is a picture of the victim in this case. He’s 39-year-old. Stephan Miller, he was one of three experienced trainers at the Predators in Action Facility who was working with the five-year-old grizzly bear known as Rocky. Now this is aerial footage of the scene shot just after it happened around 2:30 on Tuesday now during training for an upcoming commercial, that 700 pound, seven-and-half-foot bear launched at Miller for an unknown reason and had to be subdued with pepper spray. Unfortunately, Mill did not survive; he died of massive neck and head wounds.
So he was used to people, used to the trainers, and it just happened to be a sad accident today, it was just an initial single bite, so there was no other further aggression. He didn't attack anything, or…that was just simply, you know, something is unexplainable. Rocky was recently, as you motioned in film Semi-Pro. In this scene it appears he’s wrestling Will Ferrell, but it’s actually a stunt man who is actually Randy Miller the cousin of Stephan, and he also is the owner of Predators in Action.
Randy Miller has trained wild animals for 25 years, and his company Predators in Action. Its website says it trains animals for film and television. Several different kinds of animals like lions and cougars as well as bears. And it says it hasn’t had any incident in recent history now again the Department of Fish and Game is investigating to see whether or not this animal will be destroyed, and the investigation is still ongoing as well with Cal OSHA. That is the latest from Running Springs this morning, Rachel Calderon back to you in Hollywood.
grizzly bear——灰熊
subdue——To quiet or bring under control by physical force or persuasion; make tractable.
去年一头灰熊对饲养员致命的攻击夺走了后者的性命,这头灰熊也就是在电影Semi-Pro 中和Will Farrell一起亮相的那头。惨案发生在一个专门用来拍电影和电视秀而设的珍稀动物培训设施里。Rachel Calderon在Running Spring为您报道关于此事的更多新闻。早上好,Rachel.
你好,Frank,是的,我们在您刚才提到的大贝尔湖几英里之外的Running Spring, “Predators in Action”训练中心就在这里,现在我想讲些我几分钟以前从圣贝纳迪诺县郡治安官那里得到的消息。
这里有一张受害者的照片,史蒂文.米勒,39岁,他是“Predators in Action”训练中心与这头5岁的灰熊共处的三位有经验的饲养员之一。这里一个空中的镜头显示案件发生在周二的2:30,这次培训是为了即将进行的商业广告。这头700磅重、7.5英尺高的灰熊突然莫名地对米勒发起袭击,后被胡椒喷雾制服。不幸的是,米勒没有活下来,他死于颈部和头部重伤。
这头灰熊已经对人、对饲养员见惯不惊了,并酿成了今天这个悲惨的事故,这仅仅是开始咬的第一口,它不会再侵害谁了。他不会再侵犯任何东西,很简单,你知道,有些事很难解释清楚。洛奇(灰熊的名字)最近在电影Semi-Pro亮相,它和担任Will Ferrell替身的Randy Miller摔跤。Randy Miller是史蒂文的堂兄弟,他也是该训练中心的所有者。
Randy Miller已有训练动物25年,拥有该训练中心也25年了。其网站宣称该中心训练动物是为了电影和电视演出,有几种动物如狮子、美洲狮和熊。最近没有再发生任何事故,鱼类和博弈委员会正在调查这些动物是否被毁,职业安全与卫生管理局的调查也在进行中。
grizzly ['grizli]
adj. 灰(白)色的,灰白的
cougar ['ku:gə]
n. 美洲豹
subdue [sʌb'dju:]
v. 使服从,压制,减弱