Another Katrina “卡特里娜第二”?
New Orleans offcials issues warnings as Gustav nears
Three years ago today, hurricane Katrina slammed into the Gulf Shore, creating unprecedented damage. Now fears that Tropical Storm Gustav could be eyeing the same general region. Currently evacuation order is not in effect for New Orleans. The mayor Ray Nagin says one could be in place as early as Saturday.
“Also I wanna emphasize, everyone on the west bank, this storm is different than Katrina, it is coming in a different path, and it would probably put more stress and strain on the levees on the west bank and therefore there’re significantly more risk. So don’t feel comfortable because you’ve got through Katrina that you survived the big one then you’re invincible. That is not the case, this is a different storm. ”
Right now the storm is leaving Jamaica at 8 miles per hour. It has sustained winds of 65 miles per hour. By Saturday it is expected it will be centered over western Cuba. Already it’s done extensive damage. More than 60 deaths in Haiti and the Dominican Republic are blamed on the storm, mostly due to flooding and landslides. As Gustav moves toward the US coast, federal officials are gearing up. The National Guard is ready in some areas.
“I hope that you recognize this, particularly those of you here during Katrina, er…what’s happening here and what, what did not happen during Katrina. Er…What you’re seeing is a, is a culture change, er…not only here but really across the country, a change in fame from a reactive organization to a proactive organization. But not just us, also the state government and the local government. ”
Governors in the states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas have already declared states of emergency. And oil prices have risen in recent days because of fears of the storm. Forecasters say when Gustav makes landfall along the US coast, it could be as a Category-3 storm.
Rita Foley, the Associated Press.
三年前的今天,飓风“卡特里娜”袭击美国,造成了前所未有的损失。现在,恐怕热带风暴古斯塔夫将会在同一个地区肆虐横行。目前,撤离命令在新奥尔良尚未生效。市长Ray Nagin说早在周六一切已经准备就绪。
slam 动词 猛地关上;啪嗒一声关上
名词 砰然声
evacuation名词 撤空;撤离;撤退;疏散
landslide名词 山崩;滑坡
landfall名词 (远洋航行时)初见陆地(或接近陆地)