Canada's foot mystery
The sixth bodiless foot has been discovered in Canada.
Finding your footing is one thing, finding foot after foot is another.
A severed human foot, this latest foot, five different feet.
The foot total is now six.
Actually it's back down to five. But we’ll get to that. We’re talking about feet in shoes, like the one seen in this exclusive photo obtained by Global TV, one foot washing up on the coastline of Canada's British Columbia is weird enough. But then they started turning up right and left, make that right, right, right, right and left.
A number of right feet, now a left foot.
All found since last summer by people walking or fishing, or walking the dog.
She wouldn't leave that running shoe.
Folks wondered if they came from 4 bodies still missing from a nearby plane crash, feet could naturally break off from a decomposing body and buoyant sneakers could carry them with a current. On Thursday, the sixth foot turned up.
In Adidas black man's shoe, size 10.
But then authorities had to do a flip-flop, you can forget the six feet under jokes, turns out the sixth foot was the skeleton of an animal paw placed in a sock and a shoe. Authorities call the apparent hoax reprehensible, but even with just five feet. We haven't seen such a mystery since Big Foot, the last time a lost and found limb caused such a brouhaha was the custody fight over this guy's leg.
A real foot with five toes.
After loosing it in a plane crash, he left embalmed limb in a barbecue cooker in a storage facility, when he didn’t pay the rent, his belongings were auctioned off. The buyer Shannon Whisnant ended up calling 911.
What's the problem there?
I got a human foot.
You have what?
A human left foot.
Now we tried to resist sinking to the level of making tasteless foot puns, so instead of me sticking my foot in my mouth, I figured I’d let folks on the Internet do it.
They're commenting on the five found feet story with puns like investigators are waiting for the other shoe to drop. The grisly finds make aching feet seem unworthy of complaint, and getting your feet wet, sure beats finding a foot waterlogged.
Jeanne Moos, CNN, New York.
1. weird: adj
If you describe something or someone as weird, you mean that they are strange. (INFORMAL)
2. buoyant: adj
A buoyant object floats on a liquid.
3. sneakers: n-count
Sneakers are casual shoes with rubber soles. (mainly AM; in BRIT, use trainers)
4.current: n-count
A current is a steady and continuous flowing movement of some of the water in a river, lake, or sea.
5.flip-flops: verb (also noun)
If you say that someone, especially a politician, flip-flops on a decision, you are critical of them because they change their decision, so that they do or think the opposite. (mainly AM INFORMAL)
6.brouhaha: n-sing
A brouhaha is an excited and critical fuss or reaction to something. (mainly JOURNALISM)
7.embalmed: verb
If a dead person is embalmed, their body is preserved using special substances.
实际上可能总人数还是五。但是我们会弄清楚的。我们看到了穿着鞋子的脚,就像Global TV提供的这张独一无二的照片里看到的意义,这只断脚被冲到加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚海岸,这就已经够怪异的了。但是后来又发现了一只右脚,一只左脚,正确的顺序是右,右,右,右,左。
但是官方马上转变态度,你要忘记这个笑话中的第六只脚,这第六只脚居然是动物蹄子的骷髅,上面套上了短袜和鞋子。官方称这是明显的愚弄行为,应该遭受斥责,但是仍然还有五只断脚。自从上次Big Foot时间以来我们没有再见过如此神秘的案件,上次一只断脚引起骚乱和监禁之争。
在空难中失去脚之后,这名男子将装在烤肉炊具里添加了防腐剂的断脚放在存储设施里。由于没有付租金,他的物品被拍卖。买主Shannon Whisnant最后打了911。
1. weird: adj怪异
2. buoyant: adj漂浮的
3. sneakers: n-count有橡胶底的运动鞋
4.current: n-count洋流
5.flip-flops: verb (also noun)转变
6.brouhaha: n-sing
7.embalmed: verb添加防腐剂