89-year-old bowling
We grow old because we stop playing
If you forgive the spare bit of a philosophy, I think it was George Bernard Shaw who said, " We don't stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing. "
"That was bad."
Yeah, real nice Shaw. Try to pick up of a twelve-pound ball with an 80-year-old back. Then see how philosophical you feel.
" Once you get older, you still bowl. You start as good. "Take it from these ladies.
"chronologically challenged we are. ” The Ally kats.
"We don't know then. I forgot. "
The Frisky Kats, the Wild Kats, and the Kit kats, "Oh, no!" This clearly is a group in need of some maturity. That's where Elsie Giles comes in. I got this stiff neck from looking and see if Elsie's coming. She is the senior member.
" I will see her, how (old) are you. "
Getting more senior today, I don t think Elsie is coming. She probably wasn't dressed. If only she gets here. As soon as you see her coming , everybody start singing happy birthday. Happy birthday to you. Many many more Elsies. Elsie is 89-years young today. She is good for her age. She is our heart. She is hot. Everybody wants a good average, you know. I like to win. She jumped rope into her 70s when dancing with her husband until they got quote and quote "elderly". "And those have always loved to be active." Now, at 89, she is the role model for these girls who obviously require some of adults' supervision. I told that sinker to go down. In a bowling league where reading glasses outnumber resin bags. .
May we see outside the bowling.
"You only have to picks up two more."
" I will note. "
And bodies begin to bark. A lot of ladies have arthritis really bad. Elsie doesn't want to get feel philosophical. She just wants to keep playing. We just are people who don't give up.
听到George Bernard Shaw的这句话,你会感觉到非常有哲理,“不因变老而停止玩耍,我们变老是因为停止玩耍。”
“我们都受到年龄的挑战。”Ally kats说。
Frisky Kats, Wild Kats和Kit kats的声音,“哦,不!”很明显,这群人看上去好像是不成熟的小孩子。Elsie Giles就是加入了这样一个团体。我盼望Elsie的到来看的脖子都僵了。她是这里的高级会员。