灵异故事:Don't listen (—切勿聆听) 03
日期:2009-05-31 09:35



I was a little nervous none-the-less because the fact that the horse was there every night meant that no scary specters were hanging about. (My house has a history of ghosts and I tend to ignore anything I find suspicious) I depend very heavily on animal's sixth sense because they are so much more in tune than I am. In fact, I couldn't even find my cat that night either, another reason to be paranoid. But of course I ignored it not wanting to provoke the spirits or anything.



  • ignorevt. 不顾,不理,忽视
  • tendv. 趋向,易于,照料,护理
  • provokevt. 激怒,惹起,驱使
  • tunen. 曲调,调子,和谐,协调,调整 vt. 调整,为 .
  • suspiciousadj. 可疑的,多疑的
  • paranoidn. (=paranoiac)患妄想狂者 adj. 类似