灵异故事:我生命中最可怕的三年 01
日期:2008-12-29 13:49


Worst Three Years Of My Life 01

My haunting started in October of 1998 and the ordeal only ended when I moved out to go to college in 2000.

  When my family of four; Mom, Dad, my thirteen-year old sister A.J. and I first moved to Heber City, Utah from Salt Lake, we stayed in my grandma's house while we tried to find a home of our own. When a local Italian couple had an angry divorce, the bitter wife sold us their house for cheap. We assumed it was out of revenge. It might have been for other reasons though.

  When we moved in we found out everyone called it "The Mafia House" because the couple who had moved out had been involved in some very shady dealings with the Las Vegas Mafia, and a guy I knew who worked at the husband's restaurant in town confided in me that he once bragged to him about having killed a man and gotten away with it back in Italy. The week before we moved in I had a nightmare every night for three days, where I would be sleeping in the basement bedroom I'd picked and something bad would happen, either rats, or a black fog or something ominous. I told my Mom, but she laughed it off.


  那时候我家一共四个人:爸爸,妈妈,我十三岁的妹妹A.J.和我,刚从盐湖城搬到犹他州的heber城.那会我们一方面住在我奶奶家,另一方面也尽量想在外面找房子自己住.当时当也正好有一对意大利的夫妇在闹离婚,怀恨在心的妻子以很低廉的价格就把他们的房子卖给了我们. 虽然或许还有些别的原因,可我们却觉得可能只是妻子是想报复丈夫罢了.


  • ordealn. 严酷的考验,痛苦的经验,神裁法
  • ominousadj. 预兆的,不祥的
  • basementn. 根基,地下室 n.(新英格兰)特别指学校中的
  • hauntingadj. 不易忘怀的 动词haunt的现在分词
  • assumedadj. 假装的;假定的
  • nightmaren. 恶梦,使人极其痛苦的事情或经历,梦魇
  • revengen. 报仇,报复,复仇愿望,获得满足的机会 vt. 报仇