灵异故事:Late Night Emergency(深夜急诊) 02
日期:2009-03-07 08:45



One night I was in there catching up on some reading when I heard a loud crash from downstairs, almost like an I.V. rack had fallen over or something. I didn’t think there was supposed to be anyone down there on the first floor. I poked my head around the doorframe to see if anyone was in the nurses’ station, but it was empty, and I guess I kind of assumed someone had gone downstairs for something and made a mess. I figured sooner or later they were going to holler for me to come help clean it up anyway, so I left my books and went downstairs.
  When I got down there, there weren’t any lights on other than a few lit exit signs and whatnot. But I thought I heard something down at the far end of the old emergency services wing, a suite of rooms that were now being used for storage, or else kept empty.


  一天晚上我正在补做阅读,忽然听到楼下传来很大的撞击声,像是输液架跌倒了似的。我想楼下此时应该没有人在的。 我从休息室门口探出头看去,看是否有人在护士站,可是那里一个人也没有。 我猜肯定是谁到楼下找东西把什么给撞翻了,我想迟早他们都会喊我去帮忙整理,索性就放下书下楼去了。

  当我下楼,发现楼下没开灯,只有几个紧急出口标志牌之类的亮着,我想我是听见急诊科病房的尽头有什么动静了。 急诊科的那几间房子现在有的被用作储藏,有的空着。

  • storagen. 贮藏,存储,保管,保管费,仓库,[计]存储器
  • assumedadj. 假装的;假定的