灵异故事:Ghost Light(鬼灯) 02
日期:2009-05-06 13:41



So, after being told this, three of my friends and I decided to check it out. I thought it was a big waste of time considering it was a 2-hour drive to Jacksonboro, but my friends were very anxious to see a ghost. When I made it to Parkers Ferry Road, I did as I was instructed. I parked my car in the middle of the road with the 1-mile stretch in front of me. I shut off my car, flashed my lights 5 times, and waited. I must admit that this is a fairly creepy place. With the car lights off it is pitch black, and there is nothing around but woods. After about 2 minutes, I heard a faint roar off in the distance soon accompanied by a soft train whistle that blew several times. I looked at my 3 friends to see if they were hearing the same and I could tell they were by the looks on their faces. No more than 30 seconds after hearing the train, a light appeared a fair distance up the road. It was a small light with a faint glow moving back and forth across the highway. I saw what seemed to be the shape of a lantern around the light. As the light moved back and forth, I could sometimes see the figure of a man holding the lantern. This went on for about 2 minutes and the light disappeared.


得知了这些事情后,我的三个朋友和我一起决定去探个虚实.我觉得要开两个小时的车去Jacksonboro简直太浪费时间了,但我的朋友们非常想看看鬼.开着车最后终于到了parker ferry路,我就像别人告诉我的那样把车停在了路中间,前面1英里左右的路我都能看清楚.我把车熄了火,车灯闪了五次,然后开始等.我得承认这个地方的确有点让人毛骨悚然.车灯没开的话这里就是漆黑一片,周围除了森林什么也没有.等了大概两分钟,伴随着远处微弱的火车声音,我听到了轻轻的火车的汽笛声,响了好几下.我望着我那三个朋友,想看看他们有没有听见,从他们的表情我就看得出来他们也听见了.听见火车叫以后不到半分钟,远处的路上就出现了一盏灯.灯很小,淡淡的光在公路上来来回回地转.根据光线,我可以看出那是像一个灯笼的形状.那盏灯来回地晃,有时候我也可以看到像是有一个人的影子,提着个灯笼.这样又过了2分钟,然后那盏灯就消失了.

  • figuren. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型 v. 演算,
  • minutesn. 会议记录,(复数)分钟
  • pitchn. 沥青,树脂,松脂 n. 程度,投掷,球场,音高 v
  • faintn. 昏厥,昏倒 adj. 微弱的,无力的,模糊的 v.
  • stretchn. 伸展,张开 adj. 可伸缩的 v. 伸展,张开,
  • checkn. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案
  • whistlen. 口哨,汽笛,厂笛,啸啸声,用于召唤或发布命令的哨声