Financial Watchdog Says Home-Based Work Fuels Cyberattacks
A world financial watchdog says the rise in employees working from home has resulted in a sharp increase in cyberattacks.
The watchdog is the Switzerland-based Financial Stability Board (FSB). It oversees financial rules for the G20, a group of 20 major world economies.
In a new report to G20 finance ministers and central banks, the FSB said that having more employees working from home created new possibilities for internet criminals.
The rise in remote workers worldwide happened because of restrictions linked to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many companies are expected to continue permitting some employees to work at home in some form.
Most internet systems were not prepared to deal with widespread remote working "and the exploitation of such a situation by cyber threat actors," the FSB said. The report examines some lessons that were learned from the effects of the pandemic on financial businesses.
COVID-19 was the first major test of stronger financial rules put in place after the 2008 international financial crisis. Most parts of the new system performed well, the FSB said.
Pandemic restrictions have been easing in many nations across the world. Many financial companies have told their employees that even with no restrictions, they will still be permitted to work from home several days a week permanently.
The FSB said cyber activities such as phishing and ransomware grew from fewer than 5,000 per week in February 2020, to more than 200,000 per week in late April 2021.
"Financial institutions have generally been resilient but they may need to consider adjustments to cyber risk management processes," the FSB warned. Among the changes it suggests are better cyber incident reporting, improved reaction and recovery activities and better management of third-party service providers.
The FSB is set to publish a final report in October that will present a more detailed plan for fighting cyberattacks.
The organization has already proposed ways to strengthen the resilience of money market funds that struggled severely during the financial difficulties of the past year.
I'm Bryan Lynn.
1. work from home 在家上班;居家办公
Increasing numbers of people elect to work from home nowadays.
。2. put in place 到位;正在实施
With more effective measures put in place, the disease has been brought under control.
。3. financial crisis 金融危机
The company is facing a financial crisis.
。4. deal with 处理;应对
I prefer to deal with him direct.
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。它负责监管20国集团的金融规则,该集团由20个全球主要经济体组成 。在一份提交给20国集团财长和央行的新报告中,金融稳定委员会表示,更多员工在家办公,为网络犯罪创造了新的可能性
。预计许多公司将继续允许一些员工以某种形式居家办公 。金融稳定委员会表示,大多数互联网系统还没有准备好应对大规模的远程工作,以及“网络威胁实施者趁虚而入的情况”
。该报告审查了从大流行对金融企业的影响中吸取的一些教训 。新冠肺炎疫情是对2008年国际金融危机后实施的更严格金融规定的首次重大考验
。金融稳定委员会表示,这套新系统的大部分表现良好 。全球许多国家已经放松了针对疫情的限制措施
。许多金融公司已经告知员工,即使没有限制措施,他们仍然可以长期地每周居家办公数日 。金融稳定委员会表示,钓鱼和勒索软件等网络活动从2020年2月的每周不到5000次,增长到2021年4月底的每周超过20万次
。”报告提出的变化包括更完善的网络事件报告,提升反应和活动复原机制,以及更严格的第三方服务提供商管理 。金融稳定委员会定于10月发布一份最终报告,其中将提出一份更详细的打击网络攻击计划