China to Send 3 Astronauts to New Space Station
China plans to send three astronauts to its new space station later this month.
The plans were confirmed to state television by Yang Liwei, a chief designer for China's manned space program. Yang was the country's first astronaut to launch into orbit in 2003.
Three astronauts are to complete a three-month mission on the new space station, called Tianhe. It is the third and largest space station China has built. Its main module was launched into orbit April 29.
Last Sunday, a self-piloted spacecraft arrived at the space station carrying supplies. Chinese officials said the Tianzhou-2 spacecraft reached the station eight hours after lanching from Hainan, an island in the South China Sea. The spacecraft was carrying space suits, living supplies, equipment and fuel.
The astronauts will be carried to space aboard the country's Shenzhou 12 spacecraft. It will launch from China's Jiuquan base in the northwest.
Yang did not provide the identities of the astronauts or give a flight date in his comments to China Central Television. But he said the astronauts were expected to practice spacewalks, complete repairs and carry out some scientific operations.
When asked whether any women were in the crew, Yang said none would be joining the upcoming mission. "But missions after that all will have them," he added.
China does not take part in activities aboard the International Space Station, largely because of U.S. objections. U.S. officials are suspicious of the Chinese space program's secrecy and its connections to the country's military.
The Chinese space agency plans a total of 11 launches through the end of next year. The missions will transport the remaining modules for the 70-ton space station and transport more supplies and crew.
China has sent 11 astronauts -- including two women -- into space, beginning with Yang's flight in October 2003. The first female astronaut was Liu Yang in 2012.
All of China's astronauts to date have been pilots from the ruling Communist Party's military branch, the People's Liberation Army.
Yang said the astronauts will practice making spacewalks with two people outside the station at one time. China's first spacewalk was made in 2008 by astronaut Zhai Zhigang outside the Shenzhou 7 spacecraft.
The space station mission marks the latest step forward for China's space program.
Last month, China made history by successfully landing a spacecraft on Mars. The Tianwen-1 spacecraft carried a robotic explorer, called Zhurong. The explorer, or rover, is expected to measure atmospheric conditions and magnetic forces during its search for signs of ancient life on the Red Planet.
I'm Bryan Lynn.
1. carry out 实施
I myself will firmly carry out this plan.
。2. step forward 向前进;走出
Tom was the first to step forward.
。3. take part in 参加
The officer refused to let his men take part in the operation.
。4. a total of 总计;总数为
The companies have a total of 1,776 employees.
中国神舟12号将搭载 3名宇航员升空
。杨利伟是该国在2013年首位进入轨道的宇航员 。上周日,一艘自动驾驶飞船携带物资抵达该空间站
。中国官员表示,天舟2号飞船从海南岛发射升空8小时后抵达天和号空间站 。飞船上携带着宇航服、生活用品、设备以及燃料 。这些宇航员将搭乘神州12号飞船升空
。该飞船将在中国西北部的酒泉基地发射升空 。杨利伟在中央电视台的评论中并未透露宇航员身份或发射日期
。但是他表示,预计宇航员将练习太空行走、完成维修并进行一些科学操作 。当被问到宇航员中是否有女性时,杨利伟表示,女宇航员不会参与此次即将发射的任务
。他还表示:“但是之后的航天任务会有女性加入 。”中国没有参与国际空间站上的活动,主要是因为美国的反对
。美国官员对中国太空计划的保密性以及与该国军队的关联持怀疑态度 。中国航天局计划在明年年底前一共进行11次发射任务
。这些任务将运输重达70吨的空间站的剩余模块,并运输更多的补给品和宇航员 。从2003年10月杨利伟升空以来,中国已经将11名宇航员送入太空,其中包括2名女宇航员
。首位女宇航员是2012年的刘洋 。迄今为止,中国所有宇航员都从中国人民解放军的飞行员中挑选
。2008年,宇航员翟志刚在神舟7号飞船外完成了中国首次太空行走 。空间站任务标志着中国航天计划向前迈进的最新一步
。天问一号飞船搭载了一台名为祝融号的火星探测车 。这台探测车预计将在寻找火星远古生命迹象的过程中测量其大气条件和磁力 。布莱恩·林恩为您播报