Scientists Find World's Oldest-known Animal
A millipede-like creature that was recently discovered in Scotland may be the oldest-known land animal. This small, fossilized creature, some 425 million years old, helped lead the way for the many animals that would eventually live on land.
Researchers said they found the creature's remains on the island of Kerrera in Scotland's Inner Hebrides. It lived close to a lake and probably ate dead plants. Fossils of the oldest-known plant with a stem were found in the same area.
While the creature, called Kampecaris obanesis, is the earliest land animal known from a fossil, soil worms are believed to have lived before them — perhaps 450 million years ago.
That information comes from Michael Brookfield of the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Massachusetts Boston. Brookfield was the lead writer of the research report that described the findings in the journal Historical Biology.
Kampecaris was about 2.5 centimeters long. It looked like modern millipedes, but it was a member of a group that died out. It was not a direct ancestor of the millipedes that live now.
Life first began in the world's oceans, with a growth in diversity some 540 million years ago. Some kinds of plants began appearing on land around 450 million years ago. The land vertebrates — animals that have a backbone or spine — showed up some 375 million years ago.
These animals were the ancestors of the reptiles, birds and mammals that are alive today — including humans.
Human beings first appeared about 300,000 years ago.
I'm John Russell.
1. come from 来自;
Help may also come from some unexpected places.
帮助也可能来自某些意想不到的地方 。
2. die out 逐渐消亡;灭绝;绝种;
How did the dinosaurs die out?
3. show up 出现;
They're worried about other leaks that might show up in other spots around the plant.
他们担心核电站周边还会出现其他的泄漏点 。
最近在苏格兰发现的一种类似千足虫的动物可能是已知最古老的陆地动物 。这个成为化石的小型生物大约生活在4.25亿年前,它帮助最终生活在陆地上的许多动物铺平了道路 。
研究人员表示,他们在苏格兰内赫布里底群岛的凯勒拉岛上发现了这种生物的残骸 。其生活在湖边,可能以枯萎植物为食 。研究人员在同一地区发现了已知最古老的有茎植物的化石 。
虽然这种被称为Kampecaris obanensis的生物是化石中已知最古老的陆地动物,但据称,土壤蠕虫生活的时代早于它,或许出现在4.5亿年前 。
这些信息来自得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校和马萨诸塞大学波士顿分校的迈克尔·布鲁克菲尔德 。布鲁克菲尔德是该研究报告的主要作者,该报告的研究结果刊登在《历史生物学》期刊上 。
Kampecaris身长约2.5厘米 。它看起来很像现代千足虫,但其是一个灭绝物种的成员 。并不是如今的千足虫的直系祖先 。
生命最初起源于世界海洋,多样性在约5.4亿年前开始增长 。某些植物在约4.5亿年前开始出现在陆地上 。陆地脊椎动物,即有脊骨或脊椎的动物,出现在大约3.75亿年前 。
这些动物是当今爬行动物、鸟类和包括人类在内的哺乳动物的祖先 。
人类最早出现在大约30万年前 。
约翰·拉塞尔报道 。