Launch of Satellites Leads to Rise in UFO Reports
The launch of 60 small satellites last week led to many people reporting they had seen unidentified flying objects, or UFOs.
The American technology company SpaceX launched a rocket carrying the satellites last Thursday from Florida's Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.
The company said all 60 satellites were successfully deployed into low-Earth orbit. The satellites are designed to produce high-speed internet signals from space to people across the world. Internet users would pay for the service.
Each satellite weighs 227 kilograms and has solar equipment and a small engine to position itself in space.
SpaceX chief Elon Musk says his orbiting internet service, called Starlink, will launch in the coming years. Twelve launches of 60 satellites each would provide internet coverage for people throughout the United States, Musk said. He added that 1,800 Starlink satellites could provide coverage for the whole world.
Musk recently told reporters he believes there is "a fundamental goodness" to giving people in all parts of the world the chance to receive high-speed internet service. His project especially aims to reach areas with no current coverage or where services are costly.
The line of satellites could be seen passing over skies in the Netherlands early Saturday. This led to a rise in reports to a Dutch website set up to record UFO sightings.
The Dutch website was flooded with more than 150 sighting reports, the French press agency AFP reported. Many people reported seeing a train of stars or lights moving across the skies at the same time.
"There's a long line of lights. Faster than a plane. Huh?" said one report. Another person described seeing a "star caravan" in the sky, and someone else wrote, "I have it on film."
One unnamed witness told Dutch broadcaster NOS he had no idea what he was seeing in the sky. "Is it Russia attacking the US? Are they UFOs? Seriously, I didn't know," the witness said.
One Dutchman who knew about the satellite launch plans shared his excitement after capturing the sighting with his camera. "I cheered them on, the moment they appeared," he told NOS.
I'm Bryan Lynn.
1. lead to 招致;致使;导致;
This suggestion will certainly lead to an argument.
这个建议必将引起一场争论 。
2. pay for 付;支付;
I have had to pa y for repairs to the house.
我不得不支付房屋维修费用 。
3. a train of (想法、事件等的)(一)连串,(一)系列;
The name of the child, the air of the mother, the tone of her voice, all awakened a train of recollections in his mind.
孩子的名字,母亲的神态,以及她说话的腔调,这一切在他脑子里引起了一大串回忆 。
4. at the same time 同时;
It's impossible to get everybody together at the same time.
让所有人同时聚在一起是不可能的 。
上周发射的60颗小型卫星致使许多人报告称他们看到了不明飞行物,即UFO 。
上周四,美国科技公司SpaceX从佛罗里达州卡纳维尔角空军基地发射了一枚携带这60颗卫星的火箭 。
该公司表示,所有60颗卫星均已成功部署至低地轨道 。这些卫星旨在为全球民众提供来自太空的高速互联网信号 。互联网用户要使用这一服务需付费 。
每颗卫星重227公斤,配有太阳能设备和小型发动机,可以在太空中进行自行定位 。
SpaceX公司首席执行官埃隆·马斯克表示,他的“星链”轨道互联网服务将在几年内推出 。马斯克说,每次发射60颗卫星,发射12次后就可令互联网覆盖全美民众 。他还表示,1800颗“星链”卫星即可覆盖全球 。
马斯克最近对记者表示,他认为让全球民众有机会享受高速互联网服务是“基本益处” 。他所推出项目的特别目标是,让互联网服务覆盖目前没有这些服务或服务成本昂贵的地区 。
荷兰民众可以在周六清晨看到这些卫星划过天空 。这导致荷兰一家记录UFO目击事件的网站收到了创记录的报告 。
据法国新闻社法新社报道,这家荷兰网站涌进了150余份UFO目击报告 。许多人报告称看到了一连串星星或同时穿越天空的光线 。
一份目击报告称,“这里出现了一长串光线 。速度比飞机还快 。哈?”另一名目击者称看到天空中出现了“星星车队”,还有人写道,“我在电影中看到过这种场景 。”
一名未透露姓名的目击者对荷兰广播公司NOS表示,他不知道他在天空中看到的是什么 。这名目击者说:“是俄罗斯在袭击美国吗?还是不明飞行物?说真的,我真不知道 。”
一名知晓卫星发射计划的荷兰人用相机拍下了这一幕,随后分享了他的兴奋之情 。他对NOS表示,“在它们出现的那一刻,我为它们欢呼 。”
布莱恩·林恩报道 。