日期:2011-06-23 11:00



中文名: 瑞恩· 雷诺兹
国籍: 加拿大
出生日期: 1976年10月23日
爱好: 潜水,钓鱼,游泳,滑雪板
眼睛颜色 : 褐色
身高: 189 cm


The first installment in a planned Green Lantern trilogy was released on 17 June this year in the USA. With the 3D special effects, the film is said to be more vivid and can convey more messages hidden behind. Actually this is not the first heroic film with this 3D high technology.


Green Horne was to be on 2010 at first, but it finally came out the following year for the filmmakers tended to put 3D into it. After the popular film Avatar, it seems that 3D becomes kind of magic to push more people into the cinema.


However, we also prefer the contents. Green Lantern aims to make the beloved hero known to more than just the readers. The story is about the pilot Jordan's recruitment into the Green Lantern Corps, an elite group of ring-wearing space cops. These green lanterns get power from different origins, the theme is the same: protecting the world.


The leading role is Ryan Reynolds who is a Canadian actor. If you don’t know who he is, maybe his works would remind you. In 2009, he portrayed Andrew Paxton, starring opposite Sandra Bullock, in the romantic comedy The Proposal. He also did well in X-Men Origins Wolverine. Will these clues be helpful?


Judging from his works, we have to say he is at first a comedian not a born action star. But you can easily find with six-pack abdominals and skills, he is sure to go through lots of training to achieve all this. The fact is that he has to go to fitness center rather often to keep his shape. Not that easy to be a handsome action star, right?


Meanwhile, Ryan also suffers from acrophobia. He fears of flying in the sky for he got hurt in flying when he was a child. But he has to overcome this to finish his playing, you know, the super hero can always fly like a bird. The strangest thing is that the director said the shortcomings of the character just interested him so much that he finally decided to have a try.


Green Lantern is not that famous as the Superman or the Batman. But the adventures of these green lanterns into the core of the universe will certainly reveal a kind of new spirit of discovering. The film will come soon, let’s just wait to see if there is any surprise.


installment n. 连载部分,分期付款
trilogy n三部曲
Green Horne 《青蜂侠》
beloved adj. 心爱的;挚爱的
recruitment n. 征募新兵;补充
corps n.军团
cop n.警官
wolverine n. 狼獾;
six-pack abdominals 6块腹肌
fitness center 健身馆
acrophobia. n.恐高症


  • overcomevt. 战胜,克服,(感情等)压倒,使受不了 vi. 获
  • universen. 宇宙,万物,世界
  • romanticadj. 浪漫的 n. 浪漫的人
  • themen. 题目,主题
  • eliten. 精华,精锐,中坚份子
  • directorn. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演
  • popularadj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的
  • trilogyn. 三部曲
  • proposaln. 求婚,提议,建议
  • coren. 果心,核心,要点 vt. 挖去果核