He left the house and began to walk quickly towards Saint Antoine. His face was calm and serious;he looked like a man who had decided to do something. 'I must show myself to the people here, 'he thought. 'They should know that there is a man like me in the city. '
In Defarge's wine-shop the only customer was Jacques Three, who had been on the Tribunal that had decided Darnay should die. When Carton sat down and asked for a glass of wine, Madame Defarge looked at him carelessly at first. Then much more carefully. She went back to her husband and Jacques Three, who were talking. 'He is very much like Evrémonde, 'she said softly.
Defarge himself looked at Carton and said, 'Yes, but only a little, 'and the three continued their conversation. Carton listened carefully, while pretending to read a newspaper.
'Madame is right, 'said Jacques Three. 'Why should we stop at Evrémonde? '
“夫人是对的,”雅克第三说。“我们为什么要在埃弗蒙这儿就打住呢? ”
'We must stop somewhere, said Defarge.
'Not until they are all dead, every one of that family, 'said his wife.
'You're right, but think how much the Doctor has suffered. Perhaps he has suffered enough. '
一直暗暗爱慕露茜的律师助手卡登(Sydney Carton)来到巴黎,买通狱卒,混进监狱,顶替了达雷,梅尼特父女早已准备就绪,达雷一到,马上出发。一行人顺利地离开法国。 德法奇太太(Madame Defarge)在达雷被判决后,又到梅尼特住所搜捕无辜的露茜及其幼女,在与女仆普洛丝的争斗中,因自己枪支走火而毙命。而断头台上,卡登为了爱情,成全别人,从容献身。