日期:2013-03-20 12:13


Later that day, as the sun was going down, the same coach stopped in a village near the Marquis's castle. Several villagers, in poor thin clothes, with thin hungry faces, were standing in the village square. The Marquis looked at their faces and then pointed to one of them.
"Bring that man to me, " he said to his driver.
The man came up to the coach, hat in hand, and the other villagers moved closer to listen.
"I passed you on the road just outside the village, " said the Marquis."You were looking at my coach in a very strange way. Why was that?"
"Monsieur, I was looking at the man, " came the reply.
"What man?" asked the Marquis angrily.
"The man who was holding on under your coach, " said the poor man, trembling with fear.
"What was he like?"
"Oh, Monsieur, he was white from head to foot. All covered with dust. Just like a ghost."
"Where is he now? What happened to him?"
"Oh, he ran away down the hill outside the village."


18年后,梅尼特医生获释。这位精神失常的白发老人被巴黎圣安东尼区的一名酒贩、他旧日的仆人德法奇(Defarge)收留。这时,女儿露茜已经成长,专程接他去英国居住。旅途上,他们邂逅法国青年查尔斯·达雷(Charles Darnay),受到他的细心照料。 原来达雷就是侯爵的儿子。他憎恨自己家族的罪恶,毅然放弃财产的继承权和贵族的姓氏,移居伦敦,当了一名法语教师。在与梅尼特父女的交往中,他对露茜产生了真诚的爱情。梅尼特为了女儿的幸福,决定埋葬过去,欣然同意他们的婚事。 在法国,达雷父母相继去世,叔父厄弗里蒙得侯爵继续为所欲为。当他狂载马车若无其事地轧死一个农民的孩子后,终于被孩子父亲用刀杀死。一场革命的风暴正在酝酿之中,德法奇的酒店就是革命活动的联络点,他的妻子不停地把贵族的暴行编织成不同的花纹,记录在围巾上,渴望复仇。

  • coachn. 大巴,教练;(火车)客车车厢,四轮马车,经济舱 v
  • castlen. 城堡 v. 置于城堡中,(棋)移动王车易位