In the village where the Marquis had lived, and where Gaspard had died, life was hard.
在侯爵生活和加斯珀死去的那个村庄,生活很艰难 。
Everything was old and tired and broken down---
the people, the land, the houses, the animals.
包括村民、土地、房屋、牲畜 。
In the past everything and everybody had had to work for the Marquis,
and he had given nothing in return.
而且得不到任何回报 。
But now, strangers were travelling about the country,
但是现在,陌生的人们在全国巡游 。
strangers who were poor, like the people,
but who talked about new ideas---ideas which had started in Paris
and were now running like fire across the country.
正像烈火一样燃遍全国 。
The road-mender, who had brought the news of Gaspard to Paris, still worked repairing the roads.
那个把加斯珀的消息带到巴黎的修路人,仍旧在修着道路 。
One day a stranger came to him as he worked on the road outside the village.
一天,当他在村子外面的路上干着活儿时,一个陌生人朝他走来 。
'Jacques, ' said the stranger.
“雅克,”那个陌生人说 。
He shook the road-mender's hand,
and turned to look at the Marquis's castle on the hill.
并转身看着山上侯爵的城堡 。
'It's tonight, Jacques, ' he went on quietly.
“就是今晚,雅克,”他接着平静地说道 。
'The others will meet me here.'
“另外的人将要在这儿和我见面 。”
It was very dark that night and the wind was strong.
那天晚上天很黑,而且风刮得很猛 。
No one saw the four men who came quietly to the castle and said nothing.
没有人看见有4个人悄无声息地走向城堡 。
But soon the castle itself could be seen in the dark sky.
但是很快城堡就显露在黑暗的夜幕中 。
The windows became bright;smoke and yellow flames climbed into the sky.
窗户明亮,烟雾和黄色的火焰直冲云天 。
Monsieur Gabelle called loudly for help,
but the people in the village watched
and did nothing to save the castle where the Marquis had lived.
没有采取任何行动去营救这座侯爵住过的城堡 。
他并不停留在言辞的谴责,而且有实际行动: 主动放弃爵位、官衔、财产、隐名换姓,到英国当教师,成为一个自食其力的人 。显然,在他的心目中,人的价值不是由权力、地位、金钱之类来解决的,更不能因自己的享乐而伤害别人的尊严,甚至危害别人的生命 。这无疑是资产阶级的人道主义思想 。