日期:2013-03-22 12:22


"The name of our family is hated everywhere in France. We are hard, cruel landowners. Our miserable people own nothing. They work for us night and day, but they don't even have enough food for themselves and their children. If this land became mine, I would give it away, and go and live somewhere else."
"You seem to be very fond of England, although you are not a rich man there, " said the Marquis."I believe you know another Frenchman who has found a safe home there. A Doctor, I believe?"
"With a daughter?"
"Yes, " said the Marquis with a secret smile on his face. "So, a new way of life begins. But you are tired. Goodnight, Charles sleep well. I shall see you in the morning."


就在这时,一直暗暗爱慕露茜的律师助手卡登(Sydney Carton)来到巴黎,买通狱卒,混进监狱,顶替了达雷,梅尼特父女早已准备就绪,达雷一到,马上出发。一行人顺利地离开法国。 德法奇太太(Madame Defarge)在达雷被判决后,又到梅尼特住所搜捕无辜的露茜及其幼女,在与女仆普洛丝的争斗中,因自己枪支走火而毙命。而断头台上,卡登为了爱情,成全别人,从容献身。
