The child answered, 'yes!'
Later that day I sent my letter to the King's officials and that night there was a knock at my door. My servant, a boy called Ernest Defarge, brought in a stranger, who asked me to come at once to visit a sick man in the next street.
那天的晚些时候我把我的信寄给了国王的官员们;当晚就有人敲我家的门 。我的仆人,一个叫恩斯特·得法热的男子带进来一个陌生人,叫我立刻去邻街看一个病人 。
As soon as I was outside the house, several men took hold of me violently The Evrémonde brothers came out of the darkness and the Marquis took my letter out of his pocket, showed it to me, and burned it. Not a word was spoken. Then I was brought here to this prison, my living grave.
我刚走出房子,便有好几个人猛地抓住了我,埃弗蒙兄弟从黑暗中走出来,侯爵从他兜里拿出了我写的信,给我看了一眼便烧了 。什么话也没说,然后我就被带到了这个监狱,我的活坟墓 。
I have been here for ten long years. I do not know if my dear wife is alive or dead;these brothers have sent me no news of my family. There is no goodness in their cruel hearts. I, Alexandre Manette, in my pain and sadness, I condemn them in the face of God.
我已经在这里待了漫长的10年了 。我不知道我心爱的妻子是死是活 。这对兄弟没有给过我任何有关我家里的消息 。他们残酷的心中没有一点仁慈 。我,亚历山大·马内特在痛苦和悲伤之中,在上帝面前谴责他们 。
When Defarge had finished reading, a terrible sound rose from the crowd, a long wild cry of anger and revenge. Death for the hated Marquis of Evrémonde, enemy of the people!The trial was over, and in less than twenty-four hours Charles Darnay would go to the Guillotine.
当得法热念完之后,一阵可怕的声音从人群中响起,那是愤怒和复仇的狂呼 。人民痛恨的敌人埃弗蒙侯爵该死!审判结束了,在不到24小时之后,查尔斯·代尔那就要走上断头台了 。
《双城记》中狄更斯大为赞赏的马奈特医生的遭遇就是一个悖论,马奈特是一个正直高尚的医生,因为拒绝侯爵的黄金利诱,冒死为受害者伸张正义而被活埋了18年,最后他疯了 。“好人没好报”在今天已经是司空见惯的道理,而在当时就是悖论 。同样贵族出身的查理毅然决然地背叛了自己的家族,这本身已经是个悖论,更深入的是革命阶级无视查理放弃财产和特权的行为,果断地判决他死刑,自新的查理未能见容于革命,也是一份苦涩的悖论 。